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Greg R

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  1. Thanks for the response Dan. At this stage I will continue to use Sequator for this purpose as it does exactly what I need in one process. Given the obvious development effort that has gone into the Astro stack feature it would be awesome if it could be extended to include a freeze ground capability in the future. It would be functionality not available in the likes of Adobe products so a good selling point in a growth genre of photography. Cheers, Greg
  2. Yes, hoping we have missed something but I suspect not. Continuing with the amazing free Sequator software for now 😔
  3. As a photographer who loves wide field landscape astrophotography I was excited to see the new astrophotography stack feature in 1.9. After watching some of James Ritsons videos (which unfortunately all focus on deep space astrophotography images so no landscape) and trying a stack myself I can see no way to freeze the ground to avoid this being blurred during star alignment. This is a critical feature offered in Sequator and similar software. Please tell me I have missed this functionality somewhere. Thanks in hope, Greg.
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