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  1. Sorry guys, but every time i start to working with AD to give it a change to kick off AI, i'am going back. I bought AD, AP last year and APub this year. Since worked with AD maybe 20-40 Hours. Mirror/Fip object on origin not working. Only for trans, rotate and scale. Why is the moved origin not part of an object? Why can't i simple snap the origin point with the corespondent object as a container ? AI workflow... Klick object, click mirror, klick start point, click on canvas and move, with ALT make a copy immediately. AD workflow.... make a help line, place it at the mirror point, select helpline, select object, make a group, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, click mirror, move the group to the mirror point, ungroup the original object, ungroup the copy object, delete 2 temp group folders. Joining points together is a nightmare. i zoomed on points, i dont know maybe 274,878,971.7 % to get lucky to connect two points without a line inbetween. Only usefull workflow i know is export the Part as eps to AI, connect the points, save AI, load AI in AD. Copy the Part and past it in document. This workflow ist faster then .... 1. zoom at 274,878,971.7 % 2. snap the point to another 3. klick "join curves" 4. move point to check if its connected with a line inbetween 5. YES 6. UNDO (to undo movement) 7. UNDO (join curves) 8. move point back.... start again with point 2. Can i pickup the attributes from an object? coudn't find this feature. OK, you can make styles i know. But picking is faster. Hope the developer correct those basic workflows. And i hope i can kick off AI in near future before i going to retire. CY
  2. Hi, i'am working with a Intuos 3 and a Huion Q11K. OS = Windows 8.1 and MAC 10.13.6 (All Drivers are uptodate) AP version. 1.65.123 On Windows: GTX 1080Ti with 2 XEON MacBook Pro 2017 I want to deactivate my Abo with Adobe Products and change to Affinity (love all your Products and the Publisher ist fantastic), but I can't because no Tablet is working with the Windows Version of Affinity Photo. All other Products have no Problem with Wacom and Huion but Affinity Photo. Here are two Videos with Affinity Photo and Photoshop. Forgotten: The Problem is with Windows... photoshop-a.mp4 affinity-photo-a.mp4
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