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  1. Publisher also freezes: when editing a particular text style; when editing text in some particular text frames; when recovering a document after a previous crash. I think there are a few more cases of freezes when Windows offers to close the application. As the document becomes more complex, this starts feeling like a minefield. Publisher can also enter a nonresponsive state after opening a document while page previews are still loading. In that state, it keeps processing Windows messages but the UI becomes unresponsive. For example, it is not possible to view a different page or expand a text style group.
  2. Publisher freezes often when I work with complex documents. (Often is subjective, I’m comparing to InDesign.) This is not a proper bug report, but a request for help with reporting a class of bugs. Publisher freezes: when switching between two open documents, especially after having copied some text (often); when creating a new section using the “Add section” button in Section Manager (sometimes). Unfortunately I cannot share the documents that reliably trigger a freeze due to an NDA. I can’t seem to reproduce the freezes when performing similar steps with simple test documents. My understanding is that when Publisher crashes, it can automatically send crash reports with debug information that helps developers quickly pinpoint the cause of each crash. Does Publisher send similar automated reports whenever it freezes and a user forces it to quit using an operating system feature?
  3. Hi @Gabe. Thanks for the quick response. I’m already using constraints both with constraints groups and picture frames, but I’m by no means proficient with constraints yet. Is there any reason why I should prefer a constraints group with a single child to a picture frame? It looks like they are mostly interchangeable when the child is a regular object (not a raw image). Anyway, the bug also occurs when I use a constraints group instead of the outer picture frame. The inner picture frame within the group disappears as soon as I try to place something into it. Please let me know if you need a sample file for that case.
  4. @Callum I’m not sure I understand. In my test file, both commands give the same results and are both displayed in the History panel as “Reset text formatting”. Are they in fact two ways to invoke the same operation? Reapply Text Styles vs Reset Formatting.afpub
  5. Steps to reproduce: Create a document with a master page. On the master page, create two picture frames at the same coordinates. Using the Layers panel, drag one picture frame into the other so that it becomes the other frame’s content. If you are using the attached file, start here. On a regular document page, select the inner picture frame using the Layers panel. Place an image into the inner picture frame. Expected: the image would be placed. Actual result: the inner picture frame disappears from the Layers panel as if it was deleted. Only the outer picture frame remains. The image is not placed on the page. The image is not found in the Resource Manager. This is Publisher on Windows 10. I have a use case for using nested picture frames in a publication, so this is not just a weird corner case. I would like to use the inner picture frame to manually crop and rotate an original image and the outer frame to automatically fine-tune its dimensions to my grid as I’m experimenting with different grids and layouts. In that scenario, the inner frames would have scaling turned off and the outer frames would be set to Scale to Maximum Fit. Nested picture frames on master page.afpub
  6. When I apply a master page only to a right-hand page, it still seems to affect the left-hand page with its text wrapping settings. Let me explain. In the attached facing pages Publisher document, I have two master pages. The Base master page contains just a left and a right text frame. The Image master page has Base applied to it and in addition contains two picture frames with text wrapping on: In the document, I applied the master pages as follows: First spread: page 1 – Base, page 2 – Image. Second spread: page 3 – Image, page 4 – Base. So each spread has different master pages applied to its left and right pages. Curiously, on both spreads text wrapping also affects the page that only has the Base master page applied: I expected a page that doesn’t have a picture frame on it to be filled with filler text from top to bottom, because there is nothing on the page or its master page that could cause text wrapping. Is this behavior a bug or is it by design? How can I apply a master page to a right-hand page in a way that doesn’t affect the left-hand page of the same spread? Ghost master page text wrapping.afpub
  7. What’s the difference between the menu command Text > Reapply Text Styles and the Text Styles panel button Reset Formatting?
  8. Thank you! Sure, I knew that. I wanted a way to quickly pan and go back to editing text. I didn’t realize though that after pressing Esc the text frame remains selected, and pressing Enter activates the input cursor at the same position where I last left it. So for now I can use Esc, Spacebar+pan, Enter. I would much prefer one shortcut, perhaps Ctrl+Spacebar (Cmd+Spacebar), that would work consistently whether I’m in the text editing mode or not.
  9. It varies. It can be italic, font and size, leading, language settings, no-break formatting or other kinds of formatting.
  10. Normally, I can press spacebar to activate the view tool (the hand tool) temporarily. How can I do that while entering text within a text frame? I couldn’t find a way to create a new shortcut for that in Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts.
  11. I want to find and fix all instances of local formatting in a large document. The local formatting I’m dealing with is random, it can affect a single word or even one character. Often, the fix is to clear the local formatting. Sometimes it involves creating a new style and applying it. Most often, some aspects of the previously applied local formatting go into a style and others are cleared. What are my options with Publisher to find every place where local formatting has been applied? Any pointers would help me tremendously. Currently I don’t know of any way to do that, save for going over all text character by character. Obviously, sometimes the local formatting is invisible or hard to spot, otherwise I would just visually scan the document.
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