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  1. v1.8.3 Has the fix. I was able to import the assets file with no issues. Stay safe and take care.
  2. Delay is fully understandable in these strange times. No worries. Location doesn't seem to matter. I've copied the file from iCloud to "On my iPad" and to different folders for both. I've created an assets file on the iPad, exported it, deleted the assets, restarted the iPad, then tried to import. It still doesn't recognize that it's an importable file. I've also deleted Photo, restarted the iPad, redownloaded Photo and tried with no luck I've tried this on an iPad Pro 12.4" first gen and a 2019 iPad Air.
  3. Just purchased Christi's Comix Assets from store. Desktop Photo imports everything just fine, however the iPad Photo app won't even attempt to import christis-comix-assets.afassets The icon in files app is grey and I can't select it. Went to files app to download the file, making sure that wasn't the problem but no go. It still won't even attempt to open the file. This is on an iPad Pro 12.4" first gen.
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