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  1. At first, each time I opened the file by double clicking from the desktop (a few double click openings were after I created the new small file). Then I decided to try opening it from within Publisher. I really don't know if that made a difference. I have since tried opening it both ways, without a problem. The working files are not on an external drive. Although I have them backed up on an external drive.
  2. 1) First of all, a reboot didn't help, the document still freezes (in 1.8.2) (was the same before with 1.8.3 and 1.8.4). 2) I created a new small test document (three pages with text and two photos) and didn't have a problem with it (in 1.8.2). 3) I then reopened the original document and it worked OKish, still some spinning beachball, but not as much as before (in 1.8.2). 4) I have since reopened the original document and it seems to be working just fine now ... no freezing (in 1.8.2). 5) I wonder if going through the same steps (creating/opening a new simple document, then trying the original document again) would work with 1.8.4? Before I updated to 1.8.4 I didn't have a problem with anything. It is pretty frustrating having these issues with Affinity. I am a long time Quark user (sometime InDesign user) and was thrilled to find Affinity. Jim
  3. Update: I downloaded 1.8.3 ... works the same, spinning beachball (not responding). I downloaded 1.8.2 ... works the same, spinning beachball (not responding). I also changed the name to "Old". Trying a reboot.
  4. Thanks. I bought it from the store. Which version is more stable 1.8.3 or 1.8.2? If I try to install either one, will it simply replace version 1.8.4?
  5. My problem is identical. How can I revert to using 1.8.2?
  6. I just upgraded to Mac 10.15.6. no difference. The slow down happens while working on a document, nothing special. What do I look for in the activity monitor?
  7. Hi, I am new to Affinity Publisher and Photo (Mac 10.14.6). I have been having trouble with Publisher since upgrading to 1.8.4. I constantly get the dreaded "spinning beachball" and a message that the program is not responding. Frankly, it's pretty frustrating. Jim
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