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Everything posted by jrhager84

  1. It was originally 300, but I must admit I didn't even notice that it had changed there. Doesn't really indicate where an error can be occurring, so I didn't even think to look there. This type of tribal knowledge makes troubleshooting really difficult. Thanks to all for the help!
  2. I tried before. It didn't work. I'm assuming that my actual program or some memory assigned to it for the file was corrupt. Copying it into another file fixed everything.
  3. I was able to get it fixed by copying the paths and pasting them in another file. <shrug>
  4. Another thing I've noticed: When I look at the stroke properties on these paths, the slider is maxed and the input just says 'pt' Every time I try to adjust it, it just shows the number and when I let go it maxes out again and shows pt.
  5. I have an svg that's exported from designer 2, and the paths are all 'nan' (not-a-number). I'm *really* hoping I didn't just spend an hour hacking my way with the bezier tool to get nothing. Here is the file that was output: Not sure how to proceed. Please advise. usa.svg
  6. How do I check the color space of an image? Isn't it converted when it's imported?
  7. For some reason, a project I was working on that was totally fine is now almost completely unusable due to massive delays. It's a simple image, simple vectors, and some light FX (I do blender anims and FCPX edits on this thing no problem, so the computer is definitely not the bottleneck). How do I fix this? affinity_slow.mp4
  8. Seems like a HUGE limitation to me. Is there something preventing this seemingly huge annoyance from being implemented? I know back in May it was 'on the roadmap.' Is there any movement on that? Thanks!
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