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Kenneth A. Teel

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  1. I would the mask to completely hide the image where full black is use -on the outline of the image. Instead of hiding the mask blacked part, it always display the image in a translucient fashion. Here a rendered PNG: How to make my mask fully hide the blacked part? You can appreciate in the joined file -the joined file is noted .afpub, I have created the original composition in afpub and lastly tested the file in afphoto also. After recreating the case in Affinity photo seems it works now. Maybe a bugg of some sort with the original composition created in Publisher or other, I let you appreciate. translucient_mask_.afpub
  2. In my computer (Windows 10) it seems the bug occurs when I "place" or add image in the documents or play with selection brush tool and possibly other selection's element. Maybe in the backend there is a function called linked to theses modules that crash, leading to the impossibility to move the layer again. Several time it happened to me in similar conditions. My post here is just a point's spotting. Possibly there is other variables linked to this bug. So here three documents saved with "Save History With Document" enabled, before I attempt to solve the problem. Please let me know if it helps. vegetable.zip window.afphoto room.afphoto.zip
  3. In the tutorial link to my post we can see pass through behave differently. "passtrough"'s blend mode let the group affect the below layer, "normal"'s blend mode prevent this behavior. In my configuration displayed in the linked image, I see that both behave the same. I am wondering if it is a bugg or intended.
  4. If I have an image with a transparent background -in my case an SVG image I have imported in Affinity Designer to edit it, and I set one of the layer on "erase"'s blend mode. When I export the image in svg's format the whole image is flattened. In my case it rendered then a white background. I haven't tested on Affinity Photo or Publisher.
  5. thanks @Old Bruce, seems it is related to this topic: I have restarted and now it works.
  6. Hi, My text remain at the same place when I am trying to move, resize it. How is it possible? How to remain to this situation?
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