Hello there. This is my first post
I've started using Affinity Publisher a few weeks ago thanks to the free trial, and I find it amazing. I', loving it so far.
However, something strange just happened.
I still had like 70-80 days of trial left, and I was saving a document before closing it, when a weird message appeared. I didn't really pay attention to it. Just in case, I tried closing and reopening the program, and I got a surprise; The popup screen which shows me how much days are left (and lets me continue my trial) now says my trial period is over. It won't let me access my file, or the software itself anymore. Here is a screenshot:
I was planning to buy it soon anyway, but I can't right now, and it is a little bit frustating to be unable to access my file (considering I was planning to finish it and send it tomorrow's night)
So, any ideas on what could be wrong?