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  1. No I think it is my finger trouble. If I just click on the text area it thinks I am selecting the frame. If I sort of double click then I can move around the text. I think this is just more practice.
  2. I am failry new to AF Pulbisher having used Serif Page plus for quite a while. I created a text frame and copied some text from a Word document into the frame. But if I try to highlight some of the text to say delete it or edit it it moves the whole frame. It is as if the text has been inserted as filler text but I didn't ask it to do this. I don't know how to get the text to be treated as just free text inside the text frame. I have been working my way through tutorials and making notes. But I could do with some help. If there is a good tutorial that covers this aspect do let me know. Thanks
  3. Having used Serif Page Plus I am now having to convert to AF Publisher. I have the book, I am looking at tutorials. So as part of my learning I was setting up a 6 x 9 paperback book as an excercise. After I had set up the page I realised that 2 of my margins were not as I required. But I couldn't find anywhere to go back and re-adjust the margins. File -> document setup doesn't cover the margins. Couldn't find any other place for this.
  4. If I use Hebrew text in Hebrew Font in AFPub it doesn't handle them correctly. Hebrew is read from RH to LH not LH to RH. When I put the Hebrew in the correct order of the characters from RH to LH it turns them round. So if the Hebrew is CBA (correct) it turns it into ABC !! I tend to use the standard Times Roman Font found in Windows 10 provided by MS. This contains the Hebrew consants and vowels. MS Word handles this correctly and doesn't turn it the wrong way round. Serif Page Plus didn't handle it correctly. But as AF Pub is now aimed at being a top end DTP package I am surprised it doesn't handle Hebrew correctly I think it woul have the same problem with Arabic languages. The characters of the Font as far as I know conform to a standard numeric value. Any ideas whether AF might solve this.
  5. In Serif Page Plus was a Page Manager. One thing you could do with this was start a new page numbering sequence. So I used to have my introductory pages i to say iv. Then started the main pages in the book from 1 onwards. Or even have sections 1.1- 1.9; 2.1-2.11 etc... Can't see anything comparable in AF Publisher.
  6. In Serif Page Plus was a page manager. So I could have my introduction say from i to iv and then the main pages starting a 1 onwards. I can't see a Page Manager that controls the page numbering aka Page Plus. Have AF decided to remove this useful feature of have I just missed it. Did search for Page Manager in Help search? Any ideas how you can number different parts of a publication with a new page number sequence
  7. I am following the AF Tutorial on page numbers. When the presenter adds some guides he does so in mm NOT %. I have been looking at where one can change this setting from % to mm. Looked under preferences etc.. I am new to AF Publisher having used Page Plus to produce some books. Now having to learn this as no compatibility. So following Video tutorials both the AF ones and some on You Tube. Sorry to ask such a basic question.
  8. It says filler text uses Lorem Ipsum as the text and you can replace that with your own text? Where? I have looked in User/me/App Data/roaming which is where I would expect to find it maybe? Any ideas
  9. Thanks guys for all the help. I will now explore filler text v other text?? So I went on Affinity help and it didn't give much. So I went on the tutorial videos and entered filler text didn't really give a good answer. I have ordered the new book on AFPub and it should arrive shortly - hurrah. I think with filler text the whole text is sort of linked to the frame. I can play with this. But if any of you know a tutorial video that might help. That is how I have learnt so much. I play the video on my LH monitor and then follow in AFPub on my RH screen. But at my age my little grey cells are a bit slower than when I was a young spring chicken like all of you.
  10. Thank you now I have the light UI I can see it is working. So I created one sub for images and one for text. As shown: However I thought thats a lot of text from the sample. So I will select some of the text and delete it so that I have just a small piece of text to save. This is a more likely senario. There is paragraph of text you want to use elsewhere in the document. Well bung it in assets. So I tried to select some of the text within the text frame. I could either have all the text selected but I couldn't by moving the cursor over text select it for cut/paste/del etc. as I do in MS Word or any other editor. The cursor would move over the text but pressing the normal mouse button didn't track the text and say colour it in someway. Strange I'm thinking. Any help what am I doing wrong. But many thanks for all the advice and help so far. I am rather a new comer to DTP and now that that you cannot import Page Plus into AF Publisher I am now a complete novice on AF Publisher. I have been looking at videos and writing lots of notes to help. Still think the break between the 2 is awful. I published my first book in Serif Page Plus if I wanted to say re-issue it in revised form I cannot pull it into AF Publisher in any way. Sorry for the moan Serif/AF.
  11. Ok so I'm on a Windows 10. I am not trying to drag now. Although I seem to be able to drag images. So I created a Text Frame used the Sample text. Made it large. I created Asset 'folder' MyAssets and two sub categories. One for images say and one for text say. I then Selected all the text and selected the add from the pull down RH context menu on the Sub category as shown. But I don't seem to get the text stored as an asset under the Asset/sub-category-asset. So I feel I am doing the correct thing as per the video I watched and the video on the AF help section.
  12. No that didn't seem to work. I am using a Windows 10 machine not a MAC. Following a tutorial under the Help. I renamed the Asset Tag 'My Assets' then I created 2 sub-categories. MyImages and MyTxt I then inserted a graphics on the page. Selected it and under the Subcategory RH menu box said Add selected and the image (or an icon) of it appeared in the Asset sub cat for images. The graphics was still on the canvas. But I could then drag that image in the sub cat asset onto the canvas if I wanted to. I get that. In the tutorial he seemed to be able to grab text and put it under Assets in say a sub cat called text. I will have to play with this a bit more. Bear in mind I am very new to AF Pulbisher having used Serif Page Plus and also I am on a Windows 10 machine. But should be more or less the same on the screen. But thanks for your answer. I will have to investigate further. One wonders where they store the images/icons. It would be nice to link these to a folder on the machine where you could put all the images etc...
  13. I am new to AF Publisher having used Serif Page Plus for quite a few years. But now having to learn to drive this DTP app. I am using training videos to learn. In one I learnt about Unleased under the Stock TAB and can search this amazing resource. In the video the person showed how you could drag say an image from the canvas to the Asset area. But when I did this no image appeared in the Asset area? The image was still shown on an layer in the layer area. The other thing struck me it would be good if the Asset area could be linked to a folder. One could then put all ones assets such images for the publication in there to use for the publication one is buliding. The training video was 7 Best Tips for AF Publisher.
  14. Thank you for your honest and helpful comments. I am not a Graphics designer etc.. I thought it was just me finding AF photo complex and not very easy to use. I had Adobe Photoshop Elements v14 purchased 5 years ago. So I have just invested and upgraded to Adobe PE 2021. Bit more expensive than AF but will suite me better. I only tend to use Photoshop for photographs etc. So elements suites me. I am sorry now I wasted my money purchasing AF photo. I was using Serif Page Plus but that has been replaced by AF Publisher. It is not backward compatible with Serif Page Plus re files !!! So I went to AF Publisher I thought Photo looks good I will compliment it As you say they hadn't looked at the users? Many thanks
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