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  1. one thing i have noticed is that anytime there is a update from microsoft it seems to reset it so you have to do the IE thing again. Microsoft are getting rid of IE anyway so hopefully there will be another solution.
  2. yes hopefully . I find the problem comes back for me every time windows updates anything even if it's just windows defender definitions so i have to go and reset it again.
  3. Ha success! the internet explorer fix seems to have worked. I had to do it through control panel, internet options, advanced, reset internet explorer. Would have never thought of that being the problem as I never even use internet explorer any more so not sure what changed it! Cheers.
  4. Hi I have still not managed to solve this as anyone any ideas as to the cause. I tried it with the firewall turned off and it still does it. very strange.
  5. All look like this: tried with firewall turned off. it's just the windows 10 built in firewall.
  6. no still not working. They do on my desktop but not my laptop for some reason. even tried with firewall turned off and still not showing so dont think its that.
  7. Hi I'm new here and just found this thread. I just bought the 3 affinity programs and I am having the same problem with the blank welcome panel. I was wondering if it got resolved and what was causing it. I have just bought and downloaded them today and so they are the latest versions. it is happening on all 3 programs. I checked windows defender firewall and the programs where not in there. I have tried adding entries to give them permission to connect but still have the problem. thanks.
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