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Everything posted by uncle808us

  1. I get some crashes using continuous export in the export persona, and I don't want the constant update anyway. it is a PITA to have to use (open menu go to export open the export window go to the finder window choose the old version of the file then choose replace each time I want to resave (export the file) and The short cut key is ridiculous(.alt+shift+command+S )come on how about just export and the name of the file button like in Gimp. No windows opening one click two at most.
  2. Line width adjustment by nodes also hide line between nodes also delete line between two selected nodes. Here is how it is done in Anime Studio Pro 11.2
  3. Thanks to you both: I'm closing for the day so I will try these tomorrow, and get back here to discuss the results. till then...
  4. Mac MacBook Pro 15 in. OS X 10.9.5, Mid 2012 Affinity 1.4.1 and Affinity Photo 1.4.1 I can not figure out how to use masking. I am familiar with masking in AnimeStudio Pro 11.2 but I am stumped as how it is done in Designer. I want to use the lips as the mask to mask the teeth and tongue. So I can open and close the mouth. and also move the teeth and tongue within the mask of the lips. How can this be done? Or Can it? Thanks The File: Mouth Setup.afdesign
  5. In Anime studio Pro 11.2 I have the choice to hide or delete edges. How can this be done in Affinity Design. Let me guess it can't be done. I hope it can but it seems like anything I want it to do it can't. But I do like the software. In spite of it's short comings I am using the latest beta.
  6. I just imported svg as layers into Anime Studio Pro 11 by using( export persona) slices worked very well.
  7. Ehen I try to add pixel layer it seems to always go into a group how do I stop this?
  8. Yep thanks that saves a bunch of time after the searching is over , why not a folder in the user/library/ application support/Affinity: (Raster brushes) why so unusual and hard to find? I tell you, the developers at Affinity drive me nuts, what planet are they from?
  9. OK so Now I have the old Photo and Design the latest versions and the latest betas When will this madness end and get something that is workable and only one package for both Photo and Design? Sheese!! Anyway I have a bunch of brushes I can't believe that to move these among all the different experiments by Affinity (try getting things ready before you release them) I have to export each brush individually! Come on... There's got to be a better way. If they (Affinity) would refund my money I would go back to Gimp in a heartbeat.
  10. Problems gone at least the ones I noticed so far and the ones I needed fixed. I thank you the text thing was driving me nuts...
  11. The file comes in fine. Not coming in black, and the text problem has gone from Designer, now what about Photo?
  12. Happens with any app with any text input. Old version no problems. Maybe this bug is related to a hidden dialog or something like this? Just guessing ...No idea what this is like I said only happens with the new updates,they are causing it.!!
  13. It happens after placing an image then that's it for entering text anywhere in any app. until I quit Affinity apps P or D. then entry works again. Here is a movie. Affinity2.mov
  14. If this is not even going to be addressed then give back my money and I will return to Gimp at least I can type while it is open.
  15. What about the type entry problem only caused by the new versions of Photo and Design the old versions do not cause this. And I've never had this problem untill I downloaded them. I need a fix.
  16. Yes changing to sRGB color worked but I still have the strange typing problem, I just now opened the App Photo and before doing anything I can now type as you are seeing. Now I will go and open a project.... be back ok so far so good.... now to place an image.....No typing was able here or anywhere including trying to start a new image the size field was unable to be typed into. I was able to type in a file name to save the file and one to export but when I went to New I could not again type in the size fields or type here until I quit the Affinity Photo App.[ This typing problem is the same for the latest versions of Affinity and Design] Hope you can figure this one out. below is the setting without black opening for me anyway:
  17. @vieuxjeux: Can you type any text in any other app while you have the new version of Photo or Designer open? That's another problem glad I kept the old version.
  18. Software OS X 10.9.5 (13F1507) Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB Like I said the old version has no problem.
  19. Went back to the old version no problems, why update if it is not working????? Can't believe it wait Yes I can.... Can't enter any text in any app with the affinity software up dates open Photo or designer !!
  20. Place gives me nothing but black Open works new pixel layer will not fill stays black, Typing stops no entry in any software with Photo or designer open. Some up date!!!
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