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  1. and thanks for applying new coments here - as i know more people have similar issues like me.
  2. yes, but if someone is using fast gpu like me, it is much faster to do a lot of opeartions on larger files with opencl on. If Affinity photo cannot deal with two gpu at once, should be possibility to choose only one gpu running the software without the crashing like it is now even if i choose my 3090 to do main jobs - a lot of other programm works like that it choosing only one better gpu and ignore others. Also really waiting for this update in affinity, unfortunatelly recently had buy supscription of photoshop again instead that I have all affinity sotwares bought, but in PS i don't have these kind of problems and can do digital painting - this is a reall pity and still dissapointing that it doesn't work in AP. Looking forward in future when it will be tweaked to work fine I will be able to come back to affinity.
  3. Hi, did you guys have found anything that cause the problem, and is there a chance to improve that ?
  4. It depends - each time after installation new driver in normal way it crashes more often - when I run the software for example - it just kick mi off - straight away. When I do clean instalation of the driver than it kick me off a bit later when - after I open larger documents - raw files. Or sometimes it kick me off when i just zoom, or add new adjustmant layer - at moment when I am trying to adjust it. The worst thing is that recently even if i have 2080 switched off in device menager it still kick me off while using 3090 only. Before when I was using 3090 only was better. But thank you for checking it, please do it work Cheers !
  5. Thank you ! I am attaching the crash reports according to your instructions. Please check them, would be wonderfull if that would work as recently Affinity crashes even if I have only 3090 switched on in the device manager. 2ea852a3-9795-48ea-b11a-891ed17d901a.dmp 2eb32678-a450-4d36-b089-73280ec9829a.dmp 5bbe08f6-2780-4df9-9625-75c044580c29.dmp 06f643c5-2ca9-4d74-bad1-da688b03d36c.dmp 6a5dd94a-92d2-48b1-b60a-ea4580c818fd.dmp 7e51e930-6b56-47f9-a7cb-deb04e830267.dmp 56b47c41-678d-4951-94d1-c2a4e2c6eb0a.dmp 85e3783c-0aaa-45ce-a0f6-1971e2a98373.dmp 94abf479-d857-439b-a6e7-4b520e89dd0d.dmp 649a04d2-dce1-40c3-b1c9-e404317a8e10.dmp 7638fd09-4060-48e6-abd3-e6fb1728fd06.dmp 7777917f-8ad6-441b-a030-852df752afb5.dmp 46564096-77e0-49af-9b43-a042dbabdca8.dmp a2e69629-88b1-41c7-a456-4d10758cbe54.dmp b14dfa5a-9d74-4226-a457-37571a44bd79.dmp c3a0697d-7f1d-4319-9372-6127fd59f38b.dmp c5ab3882-1a8f-42d5-aa2a-63c5507d679e.dmp cc93bf11-8ba2-4b30-b21c-7adefa7356a0.dmp d8c591f8-0ebc-4bdd-9d0b-a6fcea7baf90.dmp fa470d70-526f-4df3-b223-97d051025c52.dmp
  6. Working on large photos raw files, or digital painting without using a gpu is much slower in most recent applications. In Affinity photo i see significant improvemnet while using gpu as well - inspite of that it kick me off recently.
  7. Hi, Thank you for checking it, I am sure that i have set my 3090 card in bios as a first gpu, i also switched off intel integrated gpu off. I am pretty sure that in windows it is also 3090 as it is choosen in any other applications as a first one. But i have to say that the main issue here is not that it is taken the 2080 as a first card while benchmaring, but that it crash almost all the time while 2 gpu are switched on. Please try to work longer on two gpu on your pc and you will see that the software will randomly kick you up while doing simple operations with raw files ( in my case ARW files). It sudenly shut down the sotware and you have to restart all things again.
  8. Hi, any news? did you check how similar situation looks at your system ?
  9. yes thank you very much. I post it here before, but noticed it should be rather in bugs section, so did it there again. Sorry for that.
  10. Yes, but i am using blender and affinity, switching between constantly. Would be great if Affinity could at least give a choose which graphic card i can use - i tick option 3090, but seems not working. And in "what is new section on your website '' is written as well that currently affinity can handle multigpu. I am on windows 11. I am setted in nividia panel to use 3090 for all things as a main card. I also forced in windows/settings/graphic/application to run affinity software by 3090. Software recognize both, but like told, in benchmark taking 2080S like a first. And crashes - not everytime, without leftin any window, notes. I update all my drivers - made a clean installation with removing older drivers. I switch off intel gpu in mainboard. I have no idea what asle can i do. each time running affinity turning off 2080 in device manager ?
  11. Hi, yes. I have installed two external graphic cards. 3090 like a main ( 1 slot, initiating slot), and second like 2080s. I am taking some advantage of using both in blender ( not much tough from 12 to 18 percent while rendering and view port - when the files do not need more then 8 gb of ram as 2080 has this limitation). In most softwares there is small advantage of usuing multiple gpus so i am keeping them in one system. But Affinity software recognise 2080 gpu like a main one while benchmarcking - i assume it aslo using it like a main one, while doing graphic callculation while using software. I have dissabled integrated gpu like you have recomended - i was wondering if there is some extra benefit from using it as you mentioned it in " what is new in version 2 section" on your offcial website. Eitherway there are still problems with using Open Cl in Affinity. Sometimes it works but mostly it crashes. The software works much faster with this option on, so i would really love to see it tweaked somehow to work properly. I am using bunch of other softwares and they don't have any problems with my 2 gpus on one system.
  12. thanks for posting it, maybe this will made Affinity developers refine these issues quicker. And yes it is similar case. The problem will dissapear when you disable hardware acceleration, i was forced to do it temporairly, but it became to run much slower, so i am waiting for any solutions, instructions.
  13. I have installed the newest drivers of gpu ( both integrated and Nividia - studio versions), I have choosen in Windows settings - Graphic Optios - to run the Affinity photo using the most powerfull gpu - in my case rtx3090. I have choosen in preferences of Affinity to use 3090 for rendering. Open CL acceleration on. And it seems like it still using my 2080s instead 3090 to do single gpu - when doing benchmarks often crashes, and always showin 2080 to do single gpu compilations. I have still problems using acceleration - of course i want not to switch it off - it makes the software works much faster when is on for me. But it crashes from time to time. How to solve that ? Additionally I wanted to ask about that, if I should keep my Intel integrated gpu in "on" ( UHD 630) - as I have read in your newses that you apply a lot of improvments to use it while working - or rather i should switch it off completely. Wanted to ask as well about if the extra option in board " Above 4g decoding" and " Resizable bar" in newest graphic cards can also made some extra problems to use the gpues. Please provide me some help. I tried all combinations so far and have problems all the time with Open Cl acceleration i need.
  14. I have installed the newest drivers of gpu ( both integrated and Nividia - studio versions), I have choosen in Windows settings - Graphic Optios - to run the Affinity photo using the most powerfull gpu - in my case rtx3090. I have choosen in preferences of Affinity to use 3090 for rendering. Open CL acceleration on. And it seems like it still using my 2080s instead 3090 to do single gpu - when doing benchmarks often crashes, and always showin 2080 to do single gpu compilations. I have still problems using acceleration - of course i want not to switch it off - it makes the software works much faster when is on for me. But it crashes from time to time. How to solve that ? Additionally I wanted to ask about that, if I should keep my Intel integrated gpu in "on" ( UHD 630) - as I have read in your newses that you apply a lot of improvments to use it while working - or rather i should switch it off completely. Wanted to ask as well about if the extra option in board " Above 4g decoding" and " Resizable bar" in newest graphic cards can also made some extra problems to use the gpues. Please provide me some help. I tried all combinations so far and have problems all the time with Open Cl acceleration i need.
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