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rosa cobos

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Posts posted by rosa cobos

  1. ouch.......! the answers are really so kind that I am feeling moved by it, Leaning the "ways" of a computer is not oike learning the ways of a camera, both being born as digital tools. I started with th camera first and was even angry when I had lto learn to use the mouse!! really angry, so I can see now that you are angry too. Love coranda's workds for that is exactly what is happening. One has to be hunble and learn from scratch and repeat and repeat as if one would be learning to play an instrument.

    for not talking about programs and all that stuff....it is a really hard thing!!!! Your pruchasing has been baffled by a sort of navietê but I am sure that one you chang your inner disposition everything will be all rightl

    there are courses in many places, where you can sign in and oearn with a direct totoring from some expert teacher. And not on-line..if you are that afraid, or mad.

    the basics....nothing more than the basic things,,,and then you will fly away!!!

    Have patience and enjoy your new fantastic workd of digital creation,


  2. I do n ot think a layer is the same as group, though the group is in fqct q kind of layer but specifying that it is containing several layers withiin. And of course I do not consider a layer as container, though it vqn. contqin in fqct seveal objects. For me a layer represents a. kind of place where the obejct or objects within are behaving in relation to other layers that can b. up or down. It is imporant to see that this kind of hierarchy is basic to what we wish to obtain, In fat depending on the position of the layers, the work is changing a lot in the result of our work. The group lets us keep contained many other layers, that cqn be used for drawing different objects and belonging to some final object, A head, for example can have many different objects and at the same time an eye can have many strokes and shapes...so the group let us do that.....grouping and naming these things so that we can work in an orgqnized palette. The group can move without p roblem several objects within, changing its size and so, without having to choose amongs a lot of layers the one that we want to select. We can duplicate and rotate and do whatever these groups without having to select among such an anount of layers.

    there are always pros and no cons in using these ranks, but one should choose what object will fit into some group or not. Any advante for working more organi zed and faster is a pro. There are grouping in any vectorial app. I have worked with four of them and it is the same thing in all of them. It is letting you to create many layered works but without a clean and organ ized palette. Once you get used to it you are not feeling overwhelmed any more. I invite you to try to work with them and you will see the differences and possibilities.


  3. Simply fantastic...gif. included. I am a slow motion lover, though....and the slow blending of the different textured hearts with the wonderful girl design wo uld hqv been even greater....for me,


  4. This is fantastic. I have realized that when you look into Affinity with a Ps mentality you can enter soon into a discouragement. To learn a tool is not simply to get fixed eto a tutorial. Your needs go farther and you must enterninto a discovery of an skill that is so personal. I love to see how things are being done in others. Would love to read a tutorial of your magnificent chrome style.nIngot a pretty nice stailess steel style myself with only the gradient tool. Yours is really magnificent, with those reflctive shades from the deep red background. Thanks.


  5. As far as I know, if your original photo, is about x pixels by defafull out of your camera, this able you to print or visualize i you computer a fixed size. If you increase the size more than what is allowed by your camera, oyou can get it but the resolution will get worse and worse depending in how much you have enlarged it.

    Let''s imagine that you have a 1200 x 800 pixels and you get it into your program and edit it anew as you like it, Of. course, when you export at the end of the process the result of the edition, and you wish to "make it larger", let's say something like 1600 x 1200 pixels, no problem....you just do. it in the dialog panel that it appears once you have decided what format do you want.like a jpeg. There you have it...on your desktop, named and all, but the image will not br so neat and cl ear as the original onel That is the problem of the digital pictures, with the difference with the analogic cameras.


    Size matters.....in order to get a sharp definition on your photos and you should respect it, And if you simply are not too much neat about sharpness well..then increase the size and pixels number and enjoy the enlargement.


  6. Thanks a lot, Bodobe ...must say that I have followed an spanish tutorial where you can learn via Photoshop to export the brush to the desktop turned into an abr. file.

    then from there, direct to Affinity photo!!!! or Designr pixel persona. They work fine and can be re-edited as usual.

    Does anyone would be interested in the tuto, I could link it here. There is not any voice so it is easy to be followed by anyone...I guess...


  7. WoW!!!! many ideas...

    I am going to study the three of them..though I have taken a view to the Alex ones and for me, they need a bit more of study.

    Just need time to investigate how to do it and learn from your images and clips. Then, in case I won´t manage to do it, I will send post a sort of trial shape in course, on order to see how  you could I do it with it.

    Thanks a lot MBd...(I am waiting for the Ipad Affinity too...intensly!!)

    Thank you so, Alex..your movs. have been so great to see and learn from..

    Thanks again, Gear maker. I will study your point of view!!

    Kind greetings from Bilbao, Spain,


  8. Hi friends,

    I love to use the rotating tool. And find that it is really nice in Designer and Photo, but I miss, somehow, and really very much,  a way to anchor the axis point where you can start rotating the shape and getting different effects with it As much as I am working with it, the anchor seems to be in the middle of the shape and so, if I wish to create, let´s say,  a flower with the tear shape, for example, I cannot find a way to rotate it form the right place and that´s it in the little  pointed corner of the tear.  I have worked with quite simple vectorial brushes lid IDraw and Ink Pad and both have this possibility which is making me to create  things much more easier.  Am I missing something or should I wait for the future to have something like this in Affinity?


    Thanks a lot.


  9. Ayyyy!.....nothing appears. MEB has asked me wether I was meaning Affinity Designer. I hope is that so. And suggested me to go to Pixel Persona and check it out in the brush palette. You name is not there at all. And after the app, it has been properly installed in "five times"!!! ( as I have said, that is because I have clicked it on it some times when it was in my desktop) I am starting to think that I may not get it. But on the other hand I have got some other brushes without any trouble. Daub´s one...your smoke´s one too...and so, and even installed som the I have taken from Photoshop...so....


  10. Hi Ronnie...

    I have downloaded your gradient strokes brushes and the have "apparently" been inserted into the app. So it has announced it to me me in my "let's saee if it works" five tryings. The result is that now I have those brushes and do not now exactly where to find them in order to use them.

    Can you..any of you, give a clue about where to look for them? obviously they are not normal vector or raster brushes, nor they are styles (I already have kooked for them in the styles palette) and...mmmmmm.....you see...I am lost.



    thank you so much Paolo....to download your genrous sharings is great but to have learnt how to custom or do my own brushes is much better. This is exactly what I wa looking for. Now...I can give it a tryl It would be wonderful to. do a t utorial dedicated to brushes , f rom scratch... to know how the app is working with them. And the essence, the real "soul" of it. I had a long time to learn the layer basis on the digital tools. Now I understand it perfectly. It has happened the same with the brush creating, but though I did manage it in Ps I was not able to do it in Ad or AP.

    The t utorial is great and really nice to see it in images instead of a movie cliop, for. you have time to stop along the way and read and think about what you are seeing.

    Kinds greetings fron Bilbao,Spain.


  12. As far as I have been learning here, you may well turn it into curves and move one of the corners to the other until the close. As it is a texturized brush it will not matter if the circle outline have some bumbs or irregularities for it forming parting of the texture as well.


    For a more accurate manipulation you can always click expand stroke what will unable to have nodes all around the stroke line and will give you more accuracy with that.

    there would be a tool in AD that would let us move a stroke around a circled path, as you can move text, but i do not think. there is. Lets wait,


    OK,,,it may be that I am a "blind soulu trying to teach another blind soul how to walk around the town" but hope that my little tip, will serve for something to you,

    Kind regards from Bilbao,


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