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  1. If I open up Publisher on the main monitor and set it to full screen it works fine. If I use Shift+Start+Left to move it to the second monitor it moves across and then becomes completely unresponsive. Moving it back to monitor 1 doesn't help and I have to close it with Task Manager. If instead of moving it in full screen mode I use it in windowed mode, move it across with the mouse (dragging the top of the window) and then make it full screen again it works fine so the issue is moving it in full screen mode. I'm using Windows 8.1 and the resolution is 2560x1440 on both monitors.
  2. Hi Dan, this is pretty speedy by most manufacturer's standards! I created a new document to test with and on page 1 I had no issues. I then created a double page spread (pages 2 and 3) and on the left page (page 2), left column, I'm seeing the double arrows appear at about 12 characters in from the right hand edge, but not at 3 characters like my original document. I zoomed in to 100% and then 200% but the arrows appeared in the same location. Font size doesn't seem to matter, so with massive fonts the arrows appear at 5 characters in instead. Changing to left justification didn't help either. I've attached the second document as its just random text and no images. Thanks, Andy Strange arrows.afpub
  3. Hi all, I couldn't see this listed recently. I've just installed Publisher so this may be a newbie error, but whenever I try to select blocks of text and start close to the edge of the text column the cursor turns into a double headed arrow whilst I'm still several characters in from the edge. In other words text editing suddenly changes to document layout and I accidentally resize the column instead of selecting the text. I'm using 2 columns on Letter, with 1 inch margins, and with Calibri at 8pt the cursor changes three characters in from the right hand edge (fully justified). Once I've set the text columns is there any way to fix them in place so I can't accidentally change them? Or is there a mode that just focuses on text editing and ignores everything else? The icon for 'Frame Text Tool' is currently highlighted. It's version on Win 8.1.
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