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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. +1. It would be great if ctrl+left/right moved the active cell's column, and ctrl+up/down moved the active cell's row. Those shortcuts currently don't seem to be occupied in the table tool.
  2. +1, with AP updating automatically when the Markdown file is saved. Then I could edit Markdown in VS Code.
  3. svg.js: https://svgjs.com/ And here's the code I'm using to generate the graphics: const numberOfCircles = 32 const draw = SVG("drawing").size(innerWidth, innerHeight) let offset = 0 for (let dist = 50; dist <= 1000; dist += 50) { for (let angle = 0; angle <= Math.PI * 2; angle += Math.PI * 2 / numberOfCircles) { const x = innerWidth / 2 + Math.cos(angle + offset) * dist const y = innerHeight / 2 + Math.sin(angle + offset) * dist const hue = angle * 57 draw.circle(dist / 20).move(x, y).fill(`hsl(${hue}, 50%, 50%)`) //draw.circle(dist / 20).move(x, y).fill("#00ff00") offset += 0.001 } } const data = draw.svg() const blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'image/svg+xml'}); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.download = "test.svg" a.href = url a.click()
  4. I've attached two SVG images I've generated in JavaScript with svg.js, using HSL as my prefered colouring system. The files look fine in browsers and in Inkscape, but AD doesn't render the colours. The shapes themselves are there though. It's not much of a hassle to find an HSL to RGB function online, but I think SVGs should look the same in browsers and AD. test-hsl.svg test-rgb.svg
  5. As a beginner, creating a basic table is simple, but I wish adding headers and alternating colours were easier. "Table formats" had me confused a couple of places: Adding multiple "Cell formats" to get alternating colours isn't intuitive to me. It would be nice if there was a checkbox for adding alternating colours, with small colour pickers next to odd and even row numbers. The plus and minus buttons are positioned in opposite sides of the screen. At first, I only saw the plus buttons. I wouldn't expect the triangle icons to be how you create a table header. Again, it would be nice to have a "Add table header style" checkbox, with a "cell format" like rectangular box I can double-click to edit table header appearance. If I have a table with alternating colours, and then select all cells and colour them differently, I can't find a way to re-apply the table format I created. If I create a new document, I can't seem to find the "Table format" I created previously. Are these only stored per document?
  6. I would like to be able to easily re-arrange rows and columns. I'm used to writing markdown lists in Visual Studio Code, and I really like using alt+up and alt+down to move the active line up or down. Similarly, alt+left and alt+right could move the current column to the left or right. This would be a fantastic way to work with tables in AP! Cutting and pasting works, but I have to paste into an empty area, and then re-arrange the two items that have been swapped.
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