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Posts posted by JanHol

  1. 5 hours ago, walt.farrell said:

    Within a text frame it should be top to bottom.

    Within a set of linked text frames it should still be top to bottom within each frame, and first frame to last based on the linking.

    With unlinked text frames on a page it might depend on the order the text was written, or the order in the Layers panel (bottom to top), or something else.

    Without seeing screen shots or (better) the actual document it's hard to say.

    As stated in my edit I figured it out :) it's bottom to top as you can see on the screenshot, the layers on the right and the produced numbering on the page itself in the center.




    Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-03 um 19.28.44.png

  2. On 7/2/2019 at 3:07 PM, Dave Harris said:

    Use Bullets and Numbering, and give the list a Name, and set Restart numbering to Manual Only.

    Thank you so much, the Global Naming was what takes the cake! I found this Numbering option too but wasn't able to make it work for graphic texts, only for a single text paragraph


    @thomaso thank you very much as well, having the numbering start at a certain number is definitely a handy feature, I have one graphic text per item though so this doesn't make it much better than manually entering the number in my case. Appreciate the help though.

    Edit: However one question remains: what does it base the numbering on? At first I thought it was the order of the layers in the layers panel but it's not that. The numbers are totally mixed up and I have no idea how to get them in order.

    Edit 2: okay it is the ordering of the layers, just in reverse order than I expected.

    Thank you all for the quick help and sorry for my late reply.

  3. When creating menus I always end up numbering the food and drinks by hand, which is especially cumbersome if the client adds or removes food while I'm working on it or wants to switch the order. Because I have to renumber everything from hand again.

    I googled around if there is some way but all I found was list numbering in Textfields. I'm using graphics text though and would like to have the numbering continue across pages based on their order.

    Is there, for example, a way to include some numbering or counting variable into a graphics text field? If not I think this is a feature that would be very useful, I'm sure I'm not the only one with this use case.

  4. Thanks for the help. That's a bummer, kinda of defeats the purpose of using text in the master page if I cannot easily change it all.

    Unfortunately I have no idea how to search for a font, I tried to use the search field and enter the font the the format section, but it doesn't find anything. So I guess I have to change them all by hand the old fashioned way.

    Thank you all for the help :) 

  5. Hey there,

    sure thing :)  I'm sorry if I end up to be the problem because I just wasn't able to use it corectly.

    The relevant part is the Grafictextfields with the dummy text "Heading" in the master page "Essen". They are however somewhat invisible because they are set to white text on top of an image placeholder. You can easily find them in the layers panel though.


  6. Hey there,

    I am currently designing a menu for a restaurant and I created a master page, that along other things also has a heading for the page. Now I wanted to change the font of that heading and I thought I update that in the master page, however it doesn't update throughout the pages. If I change the color it does not either. If I change something else on the master page it updates throughout all pages that use this master page, which is expected behaviour as far as I know.

    If I reapply that master page to all pages and change the heading on the master page it updates on all pages again, but that also clears all my image boxes. So to me it looks like the headings are not linked to the master page again, I can also change the font of it on the pages itself, I cannot reposition it though. Is there some way to kind of relink it?

    I am using Affinity Publisher 1.7.1 on Mac OS 10.14.3 if that's important.

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