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  1. Oof, these photos... Why are there so many attachments? And these screenshots - oy What are your color profiles on the doc?
  2. Was hoping there would be an import and insert option, but I'm not seeing it anywhere. I've found the Place option, but I'd really rather not have to insert a doc page-by-page. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Publisher is already at 1.7. What is the likelihood we will reach 2.0 within a year or so? I don't want to put out $40 for Publisher just to then have to pay another $40-60 to upgrade in a year-ish once we reach 2.0. Also, any idea if existing users will get a substantial discount once the upgrade hits? If we don't that'd be a bit of a slap in the face, having to pay as much as new users.
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