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Everything posted by Pyanepsion

  1. Affinity Photo is missing in Origin : Program name Acquisition date Everything else seems correct. Note that other information fields that have no reason to be there are of course empty.
  2. Hello, @thexfile, Information about the software is in the Help|My account and Help|About menus. Information about the document is in the Windows|References|Cross-references menu for Affinity Publisher, in the Windows|Info and Metadata menus for Affinity Photo, but I don’t know if there’s any technical information with Affinity Designer. There is indeed a difference in the production version of Affinity Publisher, as the information is no longer entered automatically. I don’t know whether this is deliberate because it’s a beta version, which might be possible for reasons of anonymity, or whether it’s a malfunction, which would be harmful. contenu-avec-couverture-1-et-4.afpub
  3. Corrected. Thank you, Alfred, and PaulEC. For those who are interested… The 1900 Union Flag with a proportion of 4:5 that I had used as a model was in fact effectively created by the War Office, and has become obsolete. There are now 2 organizations: College of Arms and Earl Marshal (Modern Recommendations 3:5 and 1:2): this flag is used in both civilian and official contexts. The proportions are 3:5 on land and 1:2 at sea. The College of Arms and the Earl Marshal are heraldic and vexillological authorities who issue advice on the use of the flag. King’s Regulations (5:8 and 2:3): This flag is used by the British armed forces and has proportions of 5:8 for a large 3.7m×2.3m flag, and 2:3 for a 1.8m×4.2m flag. Note: When it comes to screens and specifying the aspect ratio, we generally use the width:height ratio, where width is the first number and height is the second number. For example, a screen with a resolution of 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels high is often expressed as a ‘16:9 ratio’ or ‘16:9 format’. When it comes to flags, on the other hand, we tend to talk in terms of proportion, use height:width and generally indicate height in relation to width, where height is the first number and width is the second. For example, the flag of France has a proportion of ’2:3’, which means that its height is 2 units for every 3 units of width. The difference in terminology between screens and flags is historical and conventional, and is simply due to the different conventions established to describe these two types of objects. These two presentations should be unified to avoid confusion…
  4. The cause of the malfunction seems to have been found. Well done. That said, don't get me wrong. Some SVG commands were not understood by Affinity Designer, but the Union Jack flag is not actually that complex. Here is a new version that I made from the graphic information in this file. The source is much simpler. Note: angle = ±arctan(hauteur / largeur) = ±arctan(30 / 50) = ±30,963757 ° I haven't found a way of calculating this value directly in the R field. The resulting source is much simpler than Wikipedia's. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 500 300" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:serif="http://www.serif.com/" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2;"> <rect id="Drapeau-Royaume-Uni" serif:id="Drapeau Royaume-Uni" x="0" y="0" width="500" height="300" style="fill:none;"/> <clipPath id="_clip1"> <rect id="Drapeau-Royaume-Uni1" serif:id="Drapeau Royaume-Uni" x="0" y="0" width="500" height="300"/> </clipPath> <g clip-path="url(#_clip1)"> <rect x="0" y="0" width="500" height="300" style="fill:#012169;"/> <path d="M484.565,-25.722l30.87,51.449l-499.996,299.998l-30.87,-51.45l499.996,-299.997Z" style="fill:#fff;"/> <path d="M515.431,274.275l-30.87,51.45l-499.996,-299.998l30.87,-51.449l499.996,299.997Z" style="fill:#fff;"/> <path d="M171.425,102.85l-10.29,17.15l-171.417,-102.85l10.29,-17.15l171.417,102.85Z" style="fill:#c8102e;"/> <path d="M510.29,282.848l-10.29,17.15l-171.413,-102.848l10.29,-17.15l171.413,102.848Z" style="fill:#c8102e;"/> <path d="M200,180l10.29,17.15l-199.996,119.997l-10.29,-17.149l199.996,-119.998Z" style="fill:#c8102e;"/> <path d="M489.714,-17.15l10.29,17.15l-200,120l-10.29,-17.15l200,-120Z" style="fill:#c8102e;"/> <rect x="200" y="0" width="20" height="300" style="fill:#fff;"/> <rect x="280" y="0" width="20" height="300" style="fill:#fff;"/> <rect x="0.002" y="100" width="500" height="20" style="fill:#fff;"/> <rect x="0" y="180" width="500" height="20" style="fill:#fff;"/> <rect x="0" y="120" width="500" height="60" style="fill:#c8102e;"/> <rect x="220" y="0" width="60" height="300" style="fill:#c8102e;"/> </g> </svg> drapeau-angleterre.afdesign
  5. Hello everyone, I wanted to share a problem I encountered while working on a project in Affinity Designer. I followed a link from Wikipedia to create the UK flag, using the file entitled King’s_Queen’s Colour (1900-present) – construction sheet.svg Flag, using the file entitled King’s_Queen’s Colour (1900-present) – construction sheet.svg. When you open this file in InkScape, everything worked perfectly and the image was correctly displayed. When you try to open it in Affinity Designer, the background of the image appears completely transparent. If you ingroup the elements, the whole image becomes black. InkScape Affinity Designer
  6. 😇Why would you want to subtitle a French speech in French? Choose your language instead! It's easy to change the subtitles on YouTube. Here's how you can do it: Open the YouTube video you want to watch. Click on the Settings icon, which is usually found at the bottom right corner of the video screen. From the menu that appears, select "Subtitles/CC." Then, click on "Auto-translate" to see a list of languages. Scroll through and select the language you prefer for the subtitles. This process allows users to watch YouTube videos with subtitles in their preferred language. It's a useful tip, especially for someone who might not be aware of this feature. Remember, the availability of subtitles in different languages can vary based on the video.
  7. Hello Nikkwong and welcome to the forum! For those who aren’t familiar with the tool we’re talking about, here’s a video demonstrating how to use the curvature tool in Adobe Illustrator. I recommend watching this video to understand how it works and what it can do [Subtitles are available in several languages]. Don’t hesitate to share your experiences or questions about this tool or its equivalent in other graphic design software such as Affinity Designer.
  8. Hello everyone, v2.4.0.222 With the arrival of version 2.4 of Affinity Designer, it is crucial to pay more attention to the needs of web designers. Exporting AFDESIGN files in SVG format reveals a major issue: the excessive presence of superfluous elements in the source code. This can cause problems when SVGs are used on websites. Issues test-text-rectangle.afdesign Current export vs. ideal export: Here is a concrete example to illustrate the problem, based on a very simplified situation: Current SVG source (Exported by Affinity Designer 3184 bytes <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 889 154" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:serif="http://www.serif.com/" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2;"> <g id="SVG-export" serif:id="SVG export" transform="matrix(1.05833,0,0,1.1,0,0)"> <rect x="0" y="0" width="840" height="140" style="fill:none;"/> <clipPath id="_clip1"> <rect x="0" y="0" width="840" height="140"/> </clipPath> <g clip-path="url(#_clip1)"> <g id="Hide-maroon-rgb-115-72-72--tear" serif:id="Hide maroon rgb(115,72,72) tear" transform="matrix(0.944882,0,0,0.909091,76.9626,-7.27273)"> <path d="M774.428,41.82C774.428,41.82 807.548,60.083 807.548,67.91C807.548,82.31 792.708,94 774.428,94C756.149,94 741.309,82.31 741.309,67.91C741.309,60.083 774.428,41.82 774.428,41.82Z" style="fill:rgb(115,72,72);"/> </g> <g id="Purple-rgb-115-72-242--circle" serif:id="Purple rgb(115,72,242) circle" transform="matrix(1.19876,0,0,1.31455,-195.447,-62.4413)"> <ellipse cx="828.307" cy="100.75" rx="60.693" ry="53.25" style="fill:rgb(115,72,242);"/> </g> <g id="Pink-rgb-204-44-255--visible-heart" serif:id="Pink rgb(204,44,255) visible heart" transform="matrix(0.944309,0,0,0.908621,-17.4437,0.166044)"> <path d="M853.979,109.074C861.352,98.868 876.097,98.868 883.47,103.971C890.844,109.074 890.844,119.279 883.47,129.484C878.309,137.138 865.038,144.792 853.979,149.895C842.919,144.792 829.648,137.138 824.487,129.484C817.114,119.279 817.114,109.074 824.487,103.971C831.86,98.868 846.606,98.868 853.979,109.074Z" style="fill:rgb(204,44,255);"/> </g> <g id="Yellow-rgb-255-255-63--Artistic-text" serif:id="Yellow rgb(255,255,63) Artistic text" transform="matrix(0.944882,0,0,0.909091,21.9758,16.3877)"> <g transform="matrix(37.5,0,0,37.5,698.358,103.622)"> </g> <text x="95.08px" y="103.622px" style="font-family:'SimplySans-Book', 'Simply Sans', sans-serif;font-size:37.5px;fill:rgb(255,255,63);">Unnecessary objects and elements</text> </g> <g id="Blue--rgb-0-255-255--Artistic-text" serif:id="Blue #rgb(0,255,255) Artistic text" transform="matrix(0.944882,0,0,0.909091,14.1732,1.81818)"> <g transform="matrix(58.3333,0,0,58.3333,607.818,50.0094)"> </g> <text x="107px" y="50.009px" style="font-family:'SimplySans-Book', 'Simply Sans', sans-serif;font-size:58.333px;fill:rgb(0,255,255);">A plethoric source</text> </g> <g id="Green-rgb-51-193-33--rectangle" serif:id="Green rgb(51,193,33) rectangle" transform="matrix(0.220472,0,0,0.233333,0,0)"> <rect x="0" y="0" width="300" height="600" style="fill:rgb(51,193,33);"/> </g> </g> </g> </svg> Ideal SVG Source: 1555 bytes (1493 without spaces) <svg viewBox="0 0 889 154" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2"> <g transform="scale(1.05833 1.1)"> <clipPath id="a"> <path d="M0 0h840v140H0z"/> </clipPath> <g clip-path="url(#a)"> <path d="M774.428 41.82s33.12 18.263 33.12 26.09c0 14.4-14.84 26.09-33.12 26.09-18.279 0-33.119-11.69-33.119-26.09 0-7.827 33.119-26.09 33.119-26.09Z" style="fill:#734848" transform="matrix(.94488 0 0 .9091 76.963 -7.273)"/> <ellipse cx="828.307" cy="100.75" rx="60.693" ry="53.25" style="fill:#7348f2" transform="matrix(1.19876 0 0 1.31455 -195.447 -62.441)"/> <path d="M853.979 109.074c7.373-10.206 22.118-10.206 29.491-5.103 7.374 5.103 7.374 15.308 0 25.513-5.161 7.654-18.432 15.308-29.491 20.411-11.06-5.103-24.331-12.757-29.492-20.411-7.373-10.205-7.373-20.41 0-25.513 7.373-5.103 22.119-5.103 29.492 5.103Z" style="fill:#cc2cff" transform="matrix(.9443 0 0 .90862 -17.444 .166)"/> <text x="95.08" y="103.622" style="font-family:'SimplySans-Book','Simply Sans',sans-serif;font-size:37.5px;fill:#ffff3f" transform="matrix(.94488 0 0 .9091 21.976 16.388)">Unnecessary objects and elements</text> <text x="107" y="50.009" style="font-family:'SimplySans-Book','Simply Sans',sans-serif;font-size:58.333px;fill:#0ff" transform="matrix(.94488 0 0 .9091 14.173 1.818)">A plethoric source</text> <path style="fill:#33c121" d="M0 0h300v600H0z" transform="scale(.22047 .23333)"/> </g> </g> </svg> A comparison of the two versions highlights the overabundance of unnecessary information in the current export. Suggested improvements Automatic code clean-up: Implement an automatic clean-up function during export to eliminate superfluous elements. Export in Two Formats. Offer the option of exporting the SVG in two versions: Standard SVG file. SVG source optimized for integration into a web source. <g id="" viewBox="0 0 889 154" transform="scale(1.05833 1.1)"> <clipPath id="a"> <path d="M0 0h840v140H0z"/> </clipPath> <g clip-path="url(#a)"> <path id="Hide-maroon-rgb-115-72-72--tear" d="M774.428 41.82s33.12 18.263 33.12 26.09c0 14.4-14.84 26.09-33.12 26.09-18.279 0-33.119-11.69-33.119-26.09 0-7.827 33.119-26.09 33.119-26.09Z" style="fill:#734848" transform="matrix(.94488 0 0 .9091 76.963 -7.273)"/> <ellipse id="Purple-rgb-115-72-242--circle" cx="828.307" cy="100.75" rx="60.693" ry="53.25" style="fill:#7348f2" transform="matrix(1.19876 0 0 1.31455 -195.447 -62.441)"/> <path id="Pink-rgb-204-44-255--visible-heart" d="M853.979 109.074c7.373-10.206 22.118-10.206 29.491-5.103 7.374 5.103 7.374 15.308 0 25.513-5.161 7.654-18.432 15.308-29.491 20.411-11.06-5.103-24.331-12.757-29.492-20.411-7.373-10.205-7.373-20.41 0-25.513 7.373-5.103 22.119-5.103 29.492 5.103Z" style="fill:#cc2cff" transform="matrix(.9443 0 0 .90862 -17.444 .166)"/> <text id="Yellow-rgb-255-255-63--Artistic-text" x="95.08" y="103.622" style="font-family:'SimplySans-Book','Simply Sans',sans-serif;font-size:37.5px;fill:#ffff3f" transform="matrix(.94488 0 0 .9091 21.976 16.388)">Unnecessary objects and elements</text> <text id="Blue--rgb-0-255-255--Artistic-text" x="107" y="50.009" style="font-family:'SimplySans-Book','Simply Sans',sans-serif;font-size:58.333px;fill:#0ff" transform="matrix(.94488 0 0 .9091 14.173 1.818)">A plethoric source</text> <path id="Green-rgb-51-193-33--rectangle" style="fill:#33c121" d="M0 0h300v600H0z" transform="scale(.22047 .23333)"/> </g> </g> Conclusion Implementing these improvements in Affinity Designer would enable greater compatibility with current web practices and significant performance optimization for sites incorporating SVGs. This would represent a considerable advantage for web designers using Affinity Designer. See also: Iconify: https://iconly.io/tools/svg-cleaner SVGom: https://svgomg.net/ SVG Minify: https://www.svgminify.com/
  9. Hi, Guadalupe I've also had this problem with embedded documents using an older version, for example an Affinity Designer logo embedded in an Affinity Publisher document. I updated the logo in Affinity Designer, and the crash didn't reappear in Affinity Publisher.
  10. Hi @NathanC, Thank you for explaining the cause. They are both clear and very explanatory. I remember one day modifying the Normal style to make it depend on a generic Base style. Bravo. However, ‘Reset formatting’ doesn’t seem appropriate. It erases the style, and forces you to rewrite it, but the message remains.
  11. I went back to an old book to update it. I don’t know where this ‘Character outline: none; Paragraph decorations: off’ in addition to the Normal style comes from. How can it be removed? Thank you for your explanations.
  12. Hello, @MikeTO, I’d like to thank you for your pertinent comments. You have indeed raised an important point, that of understanding the importance of revision mode, particularly among those who are unfamiliar with its usefulness. Word’s revision mode is not just about identifying changes for an individual user. It is first and foremost an invaluable collaboration tool, allowing multiple people to contribute to a document, make changes and clearly track who has done what. The ‘Deleted’ and ‘Moved to’ tags are particularly useful for understanding the logic and context behind each modification. Validating changes before importing them into Affinity Publisher would defeat the purpose of this tool. It would eliminate the entire revision history, depriving collaborators of the ability to track and understand the evolution of the document. That’s the whole point of revision mode: to provide a detailed record of changes. I carried out a more detailed test today, using a new text containing all the character and background colours available in normal text mode. In revision mode, as before, I used a Word script to automatically colour the backgrounds for the ‘Added’, ‘Deleted’, ‘Move origin’ and ‘Move destination’ tags. Importing the Word file into Affinity Publisher remains curiously impossible today, but the result is much more satisfactory. All text, including that which has been deleted or moved, is preserved, and above all, all background colours, even for text in revision mode, are correctly applied. word.docx
  13. The Affinity Publisher bug seen in Word also affects texts from LibreOffice and OpenOffice. These two free software packages also offer a revision mode, albeit somewhat limited, which allows you to track changes made to a text. This feature is essential for communication. When you copy a text from LibreOffice or OpenOffice into Affinity Publisher, the revision mode doesn’t work properly either. Any ‘deletions’ or ‘origin of movement’ made to the text are lost, making the functionality completely useless. This problem did not previously exist in Affinity Publisher version 2.0.
  14. There has been a major regression in support for Word text revision modes from 2.0. When attempting to paste Word texts that have undergone revisions, deleted elements are no longer recognised and pasted as they were in previous versions of Affinity Publisher. This behaviour obviously hinders the effective presentation of our work, particularly when it is essential to show the changes that have been made. Steps to reproduce : Open a Word document containing added text, deleted text, and moved text (revision mode on). Copy the text from the Word document. Open Affinity Publisher v2.2.1.2075 and attempt to paste the copied text. Expected result: The revision mode changes (added, deleted and moved text) should be correctly pasted and visible in Affinity Publisher. Result achieved: Word text deleted in revision mode is not pasted into Affinity Publisher, unlike previous versions of the software. Attachments : Test Word document containing added text, deleted text and moved text. word.docx
  15. The bug was encountered with version v2.2.0.2005 (public), v2.2.0.2075 (public). With version (beta), it apparently works correctly in UK English, and the same in French,
  16. @Pauls, wouldn't you have used a Text format on the Excel cell, or an older version of Affinity Publisher?
  17. Hello, @anto, (It's best to use a video format that's compatible with that of the forum.) Could you describe the problem?
  18. The loss of paragraph style for table of contents items was reported some time ago. Reapplying generally doesn't work. Forcing the paragraph style of each TOC item (and the styles they depend on) and then saving it seems to get around the bug.
  19. The telephone format of several countries imposes the initial 0 and is added by the telephone format in Excel.
  20. Hello, @leeking, There does seem to be a fault. The software probably takes the last value you used. Click on the element whose colour you want to impose, and force the colour into the paragraph style.
  21. Hello, @Old Bruce Thank you for your feedback. I understand your point of view on the use of formulas in spreadsheets. However, in this particular case, the formula simply applies a format to a character string that already exists. The initial character string, in this case "0123456789", is already present in the Excel file. What's more, I've been using the import of telephone numbers in my invoices for a long time, and it's only very recently that it's stopped working. So I think the problem is linked to the initial 0.
  22. v2.2.0.2005 (public), v2.2.0.2075 Hello everyone The telephone format starting with 0 is not imported correctly from an Excel file. It shows : 0 followed by several spaces. phone.afpub phone.xlsx
  23. @Panchdara, If you have a registered version, this may happen because of the time it takes for the update to spread to all the millions of users. All you have to do is to open the beta version and go to the Help|Search for updates menu.
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