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CMYK switching to RBG and Transparency Issues

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I submitted my book to CreateSpace on Amazon.  The first proof was perfect in color and cut but I had some minor textual changes to make,  The 2nd proof had the text corrections but the color was wrong.  Yellows became beige and a floor that was brown on one page was reddish on the opposing page.  Below is the essence of the email that was sent to me by CS.


After reviewing the files, the submitted interior file appears to be in CMYK mode throughout, but when processing the file for print, certain pages change from CMYK to RGB color profile, which is why we are seeing the color discrepancy. 

We recommend maintaining all original artwork in CMYK, which allows for the best possible conversion to our digital, CMYK printers. 

Furthermore, when we ran a test on your file, the report indicated 29 instances of transparent objects found. We assume that these transparent objects are in RGB mode, which is why certain pages are converting to RGB mode, and some are staying in CMYK.

With that being said, we suggest that you remove all instances of transparent objects in your file, make sure every image is in the same color profile, and flatten your file before saving as a PDF. Flattening the file will preserve color and any appearances. Please make these revisions to your native file, and reupload.


I set up each page of my AD doc as CMYK/8.  convert was preselected and the box for transparency background was not selected.  I am afraid that the big issue is transparencies. In my art work I used some FX for headlights, sunlight, metallic looks, etc  but none of these illustrations were problematic in either proof.   I would not want to remove them and don't know how to see if they are in RGB mode.  When I exported to PDF, I chose PDF (flatten). raster DPI at 300 was preselected, and I did not click on 'Don't export layers hidden by Export persona"  I had clicked on it originally and 2 out of my 44 pages exported in black and white.  Unchecking that box brought everything to export in color.  And I have no idea how to flatten a file before exporting it or saving it as a PDF, other than what I did as mentioned above.



I am brand new at AD and at getting a book published.  I'm so close but this problem has me stymied. Thank you in advance for your guidance and instruction on how to resolve these issues.



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