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Hey guys!!

Honestly, I love Affinity. When I find something that doesn't work as I expect it to work, I always make my mind and adapt because I want to use Affinity sooooooooo so bad.
But this is breaking my brain.

In AI, mirroring is something I do all the time because there's a tool for that, right? In Designer, there's no such tool, but whatever, I found a good alternative with the symbols.
The problem is that, the vertices need to be really precisely at the same spot for it to work properly. That's where I realized that the precision in Designer is off. I copied 2 objects and pasted them in AI, it just confirmed the issue: one set of vertices was at 105mm and the other set at 104,986mm. It's so strange because I manually entered the value in Designer and visually, it was wrong... I understand I can snap to something slightly off when I move a vertex, but when the position is entered manually, I expect it to be 100% precise.

Is there a way to tweak Designer's precision? Is there a trick I didn't see?

Thank you for the help! In the meantime, I'll finish my illustration in AI 🥺






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