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Error in brochure printing?

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Dear all,

I am trying to print a brochure using the included function in the print dialog. I set up a document with pages of 170x240 mm with a bleed of 3 mm. Therefore, a double page has a size of 340x240 mm. I added pictures which span two pages, therefore having a width of 340 mm (+bleed).

If I now try to print a brochure and switch on the bleed, the bleed of the left page is also added in the middle of the doublepage, therefore the image starting on the left page (which should end in the middle of the double-page) protrudes into a prohibited area where it should not be printed. It is difficult to describe, so I added a screenshot of the print-output which shows the fold of the page. The fold is given by the edge of the orange picture, however, the yellow picture protrudes into the orange one...

Hope this is understandable ;)...Is there any workaround? If I switch off bleed, this does not happen...but I need the bleed for cutting,..

Thank you and best,




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