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Pressure Sensitivity for OPACITY setting for each tool

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Hello all!


I am a new, excited user of Affinity photo. From the moment I realized what it was and the potential it had, I was excited to try it out in hopes of being able to ditch photoshop. 


The other night I started to do a retouch, the way I would normally do so in Photoshop, and I quickly ran into an issue with Affinity Photo:  There is no way for me to control the opacity setting of the clone stamp tool or brush tool, with a wacom tablet.


It allows me to control the sensitivity for the flow setting, but I *need* to be able to do the same with opacity, or else my retouch becomes sloppy and my workflow is slowed down.


So far that is the only thing keeping me from making the switch completely. Everything else I have tried with Affinity is incredible, but that one little thing won't allow for me to ever be able to use Affinity the way I would need to in order to say goodbye to Adobe forever.


Any chance of this being added down the pipeline?



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