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  1. So recently I was so happy to see that the EMF imports (ungroup/convert) were working nicely. But then, last night I hit the issue again. Before anyone suggests SVG (which I would love if it was a 100% solution), SVG's can't be ungrouped/broken down in a way that it could be edited in PowerPoint. I supply my client with nicely designed slides which they want the ability to get their teeth into (half destroying all that nice design work in the process) and edit things. Colours and text, and unfortunately that's where PowerPoint just isn't SVG friendly. Now since Microsoft isn't really this company to listen to requests for such specific updates (I pray one of their tech's reads this one day and they build better SVG support) I wanted to ask the Affinity Designer team if they could look into the EMF/WMF export issues, I know this is a very old format but for going to any Office packages it's still the standard for now. It's not a new thing to be pointed out, and I don't think it's a huge part of the customer base that needs this, but could it please go on a todo list some place as a low priority request? Thanks so much for the incredible work so far on the app, so far in such a short time is really an achievement.
  2. Hi, I was looking at the thread about the requested features for next versions. In the output formats I saw that the WMF/EMF format is missing. This is crucial in my workflow as most of my graphics are for MS Powerpoint and some other apps that use this format. In the meantime I have to go back and keep working with Inkscape to be able to export to this format, which breaks my workflow and adds a lot of extra work. Please, consider this format in the export options. Even if Powerpoint is a MS product consider that is widely use in Mac system. Thanks.
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