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  1. Hi, I recently use this handy regex expression to locate any uppercase or lowercase character within the texts in Afpub documents: \p{Lu} \p{Ll} The probleme is, that this expression does not work, when I surround it with square brackets to combine it with some other expression. For example, if I want to search for any uppercase or, let`s say, question mark, this expression should, in my opinion, work: [\p{Lu}\?] Only, the result of this search is wrong and Publisher finds for me either the character "p", "L", "u", or the mentioned question mark. I`m not sure, if this is some kind of bug, an incompability or if I just write the expression the wrong way. Thanks.
  2. As of version the program is changing to a capital letter a few words while typing the phrase. The language is in Portuguese and the operating system is Windows 10 with the last update. Testing was done on documents created with previous version and new documents and in both cases the same problem occurs. Example : "Essa é Apenas uma demonstração que mostra que o Programa agora deixa as palavras com letra maiúscula no corpo do texto. Conforme o Texto é Escrito algumas palavras são alteradas para iniciarem com letra maiúscula." Affinity Publisher Bug1.afpub
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