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Found 7 results

  1. Is it possible to have replication tool for replicating 10s of the same object at once, i.e., fields for x amount of columns and x amount of rows with x amount of spacing? For example, if I wanted to create an A5 dot grid page with (with 0.025 inch size dots) at 30 columns wide, 45 rows long , at 0.25 inches apart x and y (something like the replicate tool in Serif Craft Artist 2)). To do this with the current duplication functions would take forever and to an extent would be a manual process. (Unless there is already something like this in Affinity and I just haven't found it). Thanks, Dee.
  2. Please will you add these three things to Publisher Replicate and size objects I use every day - so would not change from PP X7 unless they were included. And make the size objects for horizontal and vertical "always on" unless unticked. Form fields would be great - but please allow more than one form field to have the same number in a document - so that the same text can be added on multiple pages/places and in different fonts/sizes/colours. Fingers crossed Thanks Chris
  3. 1.) Start up assistant 2.) Mail Merge 3.) Ability to make labels 4.) Undo/Redo buttons 5.) print preview 6.) Cut-out studio 7.) Photo Lab 8.) Logo Studio 9.) Replicate Ability
  4. I've been trying to get to grips with the basics of Affinity Designer. One thing I can't find - (does it exist?) - is the ability to replicate an object one or more times to form a spaced out sequence separated by a fixed distance. For example, I might want to create a square 1 cm wide and then copy it and move the copy to the right 1.5 cm to leave a 0.5 cm gap between the two squares. Then I might want to repeat this process in the horizontal direction to produce 10 squares in a row. After that I might want to replicate the whole row of squares and copy it down 2.5 cm and shift it 0.2 cm to the right. Finally I might want to replicate the two lines of squares multiple times down the work space. I have used other graphic or drawing tools which allow this, and make it very quick and easy to produce such organised structures of objects, but so far after watching several beginner level tutorials and looking in the AD book I've not found a feature like this in AD. If it's possible I'd like to know how to do it, and if it's not possible (yet) I'd like to suggest this as a feature request. What would also be very nice would be the ability to lay out the objects in a pattern as I've suggested, but then to be able to change the base object, So one could then obtain a pattern of circles, a pattern of gingerbread men etc. Maybe that's going too far, but it's just a suggestion. In programming terms it would be like using a higher order function fo space out the objects, and then being able to specify the object to be worked on by the higher order function.
  5. I miss the replicate tool as in Serif Draw, when you can, let it be quickly then please add Replicate Tool to AD.
  6. Having successfully removed (albeit not being to professional standards) the 2 skips from my photo with the aid of various forum members. I now have another question. Having watched a couple of videos. I have the following situation. 1 video says pick on a common denominator in both photo's to be able to put folk into another picture. I have 2 pictures that are taken of the same house but one very much to the left to see the whole aspect and 1 practically face on. Behind the skips is a wall. The wall is not in the other picture but 'A' wall is, which is the same brickwork. If I pick up the common denominator and try to in paint then I will replace the skips I have worked hard on removing. Can I somehow replicate the good wall from picture 2 and paste it into situ. on picture 1. Any suggestions / ideas please? Thanks again in advance. Vee
  7. Hello, I am new to both Affinity Photo (Mac) and Affinity Designer (Windows) after being a long time Serif customer. I've come from DrawPlus and still learning my way around Designer. Hopefully I'm not missing the obvious by asking, is there a feature in AD that does the same as DP's Replicate command where an item (or group) can be repeated in columns and rows? Thanks Daniel.
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