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  1. I deleted a photo that wasn't working out, and now the Resource Manager keeps alerting me that I have a missing linked item. I can't figure out how to go about getting rid of that irritating popup. The Resource Manager seems to have no option for removing the linked item, and I don't know where else to look. Is there a cache to clear or something? Please help! Thanks!
  2. Hello. So I've got the photo below. I wanna replace the marked with red arrows places with the white-ish color that's marked by blue. What's the best way to do that?
  3. Hi everyone I'm completely new to vector editing (so you'll have to bear with me if I use the wrong terminology to describe what I've done/am trying to do or need to ask you to clarify what you're telling me) but I said I'd help my wife create a logo for her blog and potential YouTube channel, and have dabbled a bit with Affinity Photo, so here I am, giving the trial version of Designer a whirl. My aim is to export the end result as an SVG and in a bitmap format so she can do with it what she wishes (or as is more likely to be the case, tell me what she wants me to do with it) So, what I'm trying to do is create a stylised ball of yarn, with the lines depicting the strands transparent so that if there's something behind the ball of yarn it will show through. I've managed to do this but I think I may well have done it the hard way, and my result is a bit scruffy in places, so I want to find out if there's a better way to achieve what I want before I do any further editing. I started out with a fresh document with no background and created a circle. Then, in a new layer, I drew a white curve which I copied & pasted & rotated to form the outlines of the strands of yarn. This is the first point where I got stuck and may have chosen the wrong (or at least, a non-optimal) way to go about things. I needed to remove parts of some of the curves where the "strands" they were being used to depict needed to look like they were going underneath other strands. From my limited understanding of such things, I thought I should just need to add some additional nodes to the curve either side of where I needed to remove it and then delete the section of curve between those. I can't quite remember what it was I tried (this was last night) but I couldn't seem to get this to work. After a quick google, the only method I could seem to find that worked was to go into the Pixel persona and use the Erase tool to remove the parts in question, but that's where things got a teensy bit scruffy. Having completed the erasing, I had my pattern of defining lines I wanted to use to cut out of the circle. Again, I got quite stuck here. From another quick google, I thought that if I grouped the lines all together into one shape, I'd then be able to cut that shape out from the base circle by selecting both layers and using Subtract. But when I had both layers selected, Subtract wasn't an option, only "Divide", and clicking this didn't appear to have any effect. I tried various different things, including selecting individual curves rather than the whole lot (but that didn't achieve the desired effect and one of the things I did appeared to remove a "D" shaped section rather than the shape of the curve, although I've a theory as to why that was) but wasn't having an awful lot of joy. In the end, what I've done this morning on my commute to work, is create a selection from the white curves and then I (somehow, can't quite remember what I did now) managed to select the base circle layer and use the Eraser tool again to erase the bits of the circle within the selection. The end result looks right, apart from some scruffy areas from when I erased parts of the white curves, but I'm sure there must be an easier way to achieve the same result. I've attached the design as it stands so far. Any tips or pointers towards tutorials that'll help me figure out the best way to do things will be much appreciated. yarn-logo.afdesign
  4. Hi everyone, I am trying to remove an object from my image and after much searching on the forums and internet, I have not found a way to accomplish what I'm after. Basically, I have used the Inpainting Brush Tool on a Pixel layer as shown in the in-house tutorial to remove portions of it already, but I'm still left with parts of it that I can't take out with the same brush. On the image, notice that behind the girl there's a blue-colored trampoline that extends from one palm tree to the other. This is what I would like to take out. What would be the best and cleanest/professional way of going about this? Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
  5. I'm new to Affinity and was wondering if there is a tool or technique for removing glare from a person's glasses.
  6. With the picture I uploaded below... I was wondering how to remove the part of the rectangles OUTSIDE the circle on the left.. But at the same time keep the rectangle on the inside of the circle.
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