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  1. Hello / Hallo, I am currently looking for a way to insert the eighth part of a squad into text. I found options for a full or half squad and others, but not for the eighth part, which surprises me as I learned this as an important part of micro-typography. Can someone help me out, e.g., is this space hidden with another name or can be defined/inserted manually? (And sorry in case the English terms don't fully match; English is not my first language). ---- Ich suche derzeit nach einer Möglichkeit, ein Achtelgeviert in den Text einzufügen. Ich habe Optionen für ein halbes oder ganzes Geviert und auch andere Geviert-Teile gefunden, aber keine Option für ein Achtelgeviert. Was mich wundert, weil ich dieses Abstandsmaß als wichtigen Bestandteil in der Mikro-Typografie gelernt habe. Kann mir hier jemand weiterhelfen; versteckt sich dieser Abstand bspw. hinter einem anderen Namen oder kann manuell definiert/eingegeben werden? Thanks in advance / Danke im Vorraus, M.K.
  2. Hello I'd like to stress the need for a (very) good justification engine in Affinity Publisher, in order to produce high quality text-heavy publications. Because I'm not sure what the status on microtypography in Publisher currently is, I'll drop this info for your consideration. In the 1990's type designer Hermann Zapf and engineer Peter Karow developed the Hz-program, a justification engine which has gained a somewhat mythological status. Its algorithm combines multiline composing, hanging punctuation with word-spacing, letter-spacing and most controversial: glyph-scaling. Adobe has bought the patent, but it's not known whether they actually use the program in InDesign. You can however change most of these parameters (word-spacing, letter-spacing and glyph-scaling) in the justification engine in InDesign with a minimum, maximum and optimal amount. In my opinion, a paragraph composer with these settings, combined with extensive hyphenation settings are an absolute must for professional typographers. Some sources on this topic: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microtypography - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hz-program - http://www.typografi.org/justering/gut_hz/gutenberg_hz_english.html Thanks for your consideration!
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