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  1. Hello, I'm a Affinity beginner, so I need some assistance please. Is there any way to do median or mean filtering as I could before in Photoshop with stacked layers in a smart object? I'm talking about doing things like this: https://theuijunkie.com/delete-tourists-photos/ I have a project coming up and I need to shoot a busy street, but I want to apply same technique as above. Is it possible to make a "long exposure" using series of images with same exposure, almost like some iOS apps do now utilizing movie clips to blur between frames to make one single long exposure image. Thanks Aleksander
  2. Hello, In doing astrophotography, these two features are really essential. I really love using AP for editing, but it becomes nearly impossible to with astrophotography because it's missing these two features. Especially because AP has features like LAB, it could be a really great tool potentially - and I don't think (at least the median mode) is very difficult to implement. They're useful for stacking photos - when taking pictures of the night sky without a tracker, you're limited in the exposure length you can use, because the Earth is rotating. To get a useful picture, you really need an exposure with at least ISO 3200, making very noisy images. The solution is to take multiple pictures and align them in post, and then use a median filter to remove the noise (which is incredibly effective). It's useful for other things as well - basically any noise reduction. There are perfectly clear stacks of images taken at ISO 25,600 or higher - and the median filter can get rid of people walking in front of a landscape, for example. My point is, these are really useful features for everyone and could add a lot to the abilities of AP and make it a very appealing software for another group of photographers.
  3. First of all, I want to congratulate you for having a very successful launch with Affinity Photo! I am seriously considering buying it, but I am not sure if it has all the functions I require with my workflow. I tested out the beta a few months ago, and I found that this could be a potential PS-killer for me. (Especially considering how fast it is!!!) Anyway, the only reason why I'm having a difficulty with jumping into Affinity Photo is because of the Median Stack mode. I am an astrophotographer and I exclusively use PS's Smart Object and Median Stack mode to increase SNR of high ISO images (a complicated way of denoising images). The only workaround I have found is to manually set the opacity of each layers, but that's not really practical if you're working with 100+ layers. So, is there some easier workaround for this feature?
  4. Hi there, I've been testing affinity photo for 3 months now. had to stop for some time because of buggy behavior of previous versions. Since I am editing photos on a daily basis using photoshop, I cannot afford much distraction or slowing down of my regular editing workflow. So I test the app here and there. It still takes me twice the amount of time to edit a picture using Affinity photo compared to photoshop. This is not about the quality of this app. I have high regard in it and I hope to replace all my adobe products with these programs in the near future! I am sure my workflow will become faster the more frequently I use this app. One thing that came up today was the existence of a filter that somewhat mimics photoshops "median" functionality. I sometimes have a shape that I want to smoothen a little. I do that with the median filter. How can this be achieved?
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