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  1. User can't select first the "Align to" option in alignment panel beacuase it is greyed out. The manual says something different. Here's what you can read in the help files for version v2 ↓ Before you comment: I know this behavior changed between app versions 1.7-1.8. At the beginning, we had the opportunity to set the alignment parameters first, but this was later changed.Users quickly got used to the previous behavior before the change because it was logical and very intuitive. There were many complaints and requests to reinstate the previous behavior. Yo can check it using the link bellow ↓ https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/search/&tags=aw-3864,afd-3927&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy Reasons to treat this as a bug and why i'm making the post in bug forum: Incosistent behaviour between apps versions Actual steps ar not the same as suggested by manual Reasons to rolll back to the previous behavoiur and allow users to set the aligment parameters first: Not logical/intuitive behaviour (not allowing to set parameters for action before applying that action it's a nonsense) Not a good idea to have objects leaping about the place before we go on to click the right options. It's very, very distracting and wearing, particularly after watching objects go to the wrong place before we set them up how whe want. Not productive and notcomfortable tool behaviour for reasons i mentionet above. Sorry, I'm going to get emotional here: For God's sake why don't you let users use the options the way they want. Reconsider your bad decision and bring back old behavoiur. Listen and don't be deaf to users arguments. You can only gain. And a one more question to moderators, devs, anyone behind making this bad decision: Why did you deliberately change the way the alignment parameters work when nobody asked for this and why did you not restore them to the previous version despite complaints and requests from users supported by rational arguments?
  2. Hello! No matter what I have selected, the "Align to Option is greyed out. I just want to be able to align to my margins. I'm not seeing any other discourse on here about this problem so maybe it's just me? Thanks!
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