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  1. Resolved: Can confirm has full control over noise removal, especially chroma noise (working since recent betas: thank you so much), and is fully usable now on Sigma Merrill cameras. Also, only as of 404RC2 is EXIF and focus reliably consistent. Outstanding: BW images still open as colour: no benefits from in-camera BW captured images. Additionally, some BW images shot at higher than base ISO open like linear exposure (super dark). Quick test images (apologies for quality): 6745, ISO100, BW: in and .404RC2 has EXIF and focus info, but recent prior betas were partially missing EXIF & focus metadata. In all versions, these open as colour (should be BW). 6742, ISO800, BW: Very difficult trying to extract a workable image from these RAWs (shot higher than base ISO). Opens fine in other RAW editors. Why Not Use Normal Colour to BW (Post-processing Conversion): The key issue behind this is that the Foveon Merrill can capture the full spectrum at every single 'pixel' (photosite), and output it in BW (like a Leica M Monochrom). No demosaicing is required (or ever wanted). When these are shot as BW in the camera, Affinity Photo opens them as normal colour images, and loses all their benefits. For instance, Foveons also normally capture full spectrum at every 'pixel', and when all treated as BW, you can get 3 times as much sampling per pixel as the monochrome Leica, for improved noise. See earlier post (Issue #1): https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/80333-med-resolution-images-auto-upsampled-to-high-bw-images-import-as-colour/ SDIM6745.X3F SDIM6742.X3F
  2. Really excited to see the activity supporting X3F files: thank you immensely for all these efforts. I think there's been a small oversight in packaging the Photo Beta, because when you open an X3F file, it immediately crashes to desktop (even before fonts are loaded, etc.). As a control, I also retried the most current non-beta Affinity Photo (, and that can still open X3F files without crashing out. I tried this new Affinity Photo Beta using X3F RAW images taken using: Max resolution Low resolution B&W Taken with a Merrill sensor Taken with an older SD14 Sigma. I tried manually browsing and opening the varied test set of files from within Affinity Photo, as well as using Windows Explorer's "Open with..." and choosing both 'Affinity Photo Beta' and 'Affinity Photo'. The issue is consistent for all these (above) X3F files opened with this newest beta. But even with a CTD, I'm still ecstatic for the developer attention after all this time.
  3. BW Images still open as colour, and even if converted to BW, lose all the Foveon benefits. There's two ways to obtain BWs from Foveon RAWs, and neither works. Similar crops below from the same image, all at 200% zoom (slight variations in cropping). Most recent of multiple posts (prior beta) Above: AP choosing BW Above: AP choosing BW and only using blue channel Above: IrfanView 4.5.2 as opened (uses DCRaw) Above: Sigma Photo 6.6.1 Export using Blue Channel only
  4. Just an update after doing some testing last night with, and the ongoing denoising/demosaicing issues (not sure which was causing the problem) which made Merrill (SD and DP Merrill series cameras) barely usable, now appears significantly improved. Before, there was so much noise evident (mostly chroma, but also some luminance) even with reasonably well exposed images, that to get rid of sufficient noise resulted in also removing so much detail that the output almost looked like a stylized cellphone oilpainting filter. NOTE: this problem only occurred with the Sigma Merrill cameras, and did not affect earlier Sigma cameras, which performed normally. Now, it is possible (for well lit areas within an image) to adjust the denoising so that you can just apply enough to get rid of widespread noise, but through the currently available controls, selectively adjust the extent applied such that a balanced amount of detail can be retained (meaningful noise:detail tradeoffs). It still needs a fairly bright exposure, but it is no longer prohibitive. I don't know if this was due to the hard work of Affinity or LibRaw, but thank you very much. I ran out of time, but images captured as pure BW may still be opening in AP as colour. I will test with .390 this weekend. But this is a huge quality improvement for all Merrill users.
  5. sd Quattro files still look muddy. (Compared to a TIF out of sigma photo pro, opened in affinity!) DP2 Quattro files look like mud too. Occasional artifacts and colour cast (again, missing from a TIF SPP->Affinity) Merrill files have a crazy colour cast As before, onedrive of raw files here: https://1drv.ms/f/s!ArciU0vVYB2QiWmyBYHTBFZ60Ee4
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