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  1. Just trying to move from InDesign to Affinity, but it is quite essential for me that I am able to use Thai Font (IBM Plex Sans Thai, and other Thai Fonts). In Thai we have vowels that stacks up (sometimes double stacking) on top of our letters. In Affinity, these vowels are squished together in one line above the alphabet (see 'Incorrect Text.png' ). I would like it to be spaced upwards like I could in Adobe ('Correct Text.png'). Is there any way that I can do this? I have tried: 1. Changing Typography Script / Language Character > Language > Typography Script Selected 'Auto' and 'Thai' in Typography Script. Neither Worked 2. Changing Typography Settings Ctrl + Shift + T Tried all the alternative and no change (See 'Topography Settings.png') Please help, being able to edit Thai documents is essential in my job, this is a bit of a deal breaker that I will need to fix. Any suggestions? Preferable I would like to be able to use IBM Plex Sans Thai as it is consistent with my client's brand guidelines and they had no problems before I switched to Affinity.
  2. Hi there ! I am using Windows 10 and the Windows default language is Brazilian Portuguese. So, the Affinity Photo is in Portuguese too. The problem is photographic terms that I am used to as patch, brush, dodge&burn, clarity, feather, etc, as all translate to unfamiliar words in portuguese. Some I manage to figure out what they means, but, in general, is uncomfortable to use the user interface in this way, I get tired of guessing what it means. I want to run Affinity photo in English without change the Windows language. Is this can be done ?
  3. Hi, the translated versions of the FAQs are very old. That could cause confusion (for example: launch of Publisher) if people do not read the creation date at the bottom). When will those files be updated and/or will the creation dates be added at the bottom of the topic? Perhaps some foreign customers expect/wish for the same quality in support for their money. Any plans for more features in the forum for foreign users? KR
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