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Found 3 results

  1. On Windows 10, in, I worked on a file in Publisher and wanted to add a slice to export some content. So I clicked on the Edit in Designer, then in Designer, I was given a prompt to update the software. I accepted the update, but as a result, my file is closed and is not opened in Designer at all. Fortunately I did save the file, but otherwise I would have lost my work.
  2. If I move a symbol back and forth between Designer and Photo and manipulate the Symbol in the linked layers of Photo, I get this weird result, where the vector shape shows as unlinked, but it remains linked in practice. 2022-10-24 14-03-41.mp4 Steps to reproduce 1. Open Affinity Designer 2. Create a rectangle 3. Convert the rectangle into a symbol 4. Go to File > Edit in Photo 5. In Photo, duplicate the symbol. Notice the symbol has linked layer properties 6. Move the top symbol to the right 7. Select the rectangle within the symbol and unlink the vector shape 8. Go to File > Edit in Designer 9. In Designer, resize the rectangle and notice how the shapes remain linked. 10. Go to File Edit in Photo Back in Photo, notice how the rectangle is displayed in the linked layers panel as being unlinked in the vector shape. 11. Resize the rectangle 12. Notice that both symbols are updated as if they were still linked by their vector shape.
  3. I would like to request that the numeric keys, which are used to set the opacity of an object by default, become available for editing within the keyboard shortcuts section of the preferences. The reason for this is that these keys are very accessible, which is the reason I would like to use them to toggle between Photo's personas and edit inside of Photo/ Designer. Unfortunately though, some shortcuts will override the opacity shortcuts and others won't. This causes inconsistencies as discussed here:
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