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Found 11 results

  1. The newest Affinity Publisher update seems to have done extensive damage to my existing documents. Sidebar text is now invisible by default if the box was too small to contain all of it, which is almost always because the update also seems to have changed the spacing of many things on me by just enough to screw things up. A few objects have moved from where I'd painstakingly placed them to seemingly random other locations in the same spread. While irritating, most of these have easy fixes or affect few enough things not to be game-changers. But one thing has me fuming to the extent that I'm seriously considering uninstalling Affinity and going (ugh!) back to Adobe: My cross-references have all disappeared. Again! These documents were imported from IDML originals and that move also destroyed all my cross-references. I had just fairly recently (in the last few weeks) painstakingly put them all back and now they have vanished a second time. Along with the obvious practical issues, this has severely damaged my (already not that strong) trust in Serif and Affinity. So basically, two things: Please tell me this is a known issue and there's an easy way to restore them. After all, they must exist in some form in the most recently saved versions of the files. Is there a way to retrieve them from there? More importantly in the long run, give me some reason to think this won't be something I have to deal with a third time, and a fourth, and on from there. At this point, why should I trust you or your software? You had a big head start there simply by not being Adobe, but that doesn't go all that far in the face of incidents like this.
  2. My cross-references are broken by duplicating pages. What happens is that the text anchors have the same name, therefore, the cross-reference reports the wrong listnumber, even though they refer to the correct paragraph. For example, I had both listnumbers 143 and 146 referring to 141, even though the figure captions they were linked to in the text did list 143 and 146. Old text:
  3. I often have to rearrange my cross references when I use a system like in the vid below this to place my sources alongside my text. For this, sidenotes prove to be insufficient for my needs, see: However, when I cut the target text and paste it somewhere else (which still includes the anchor, mind you) the reference is lost. 2024-01-29 12-15-19.mp4 Please add the functionality to preserve the reference link after a cut-paste operation.
  4. When I insert a cross-reference, right now, I have to first activate the text field to type the piece of text I want to reference. For me it would be much more efficient if the cursor were already in the search field so I can start typing as soon as I use the tool.
  5. Not sure if this was the scope of the improvement, but there is currently no way to address regular text formatting. I presume text fields refers to fields and not regular text. But any changes in the cross-reference window for character styles like bold, italics or underline don't come across in the actual reference still. Notice how I cannot modify the style of the text "page" in the video below (only if i apply a character style globally to Everything, can I change the style): 2023-11-08 14-28-57.mp4 This is on windows 10.0.19045, Publisher
  6. In Windows 10.0.19045, the Cross-reference search field is clipped and resizes improperly. 2023-11-02 15-48-54.mp4
  7. As mentioned in the earlier Beta topic for Cross-references, I would like to have a live preview checkmark so I can immediately see the changes that I am making in my document. Right now, all changes require me to reopen the window > edit the reference > apply > check > repeat. For example in the Beta (with shortcuts). 2023-11-08 14-28-57.mp4
  8. The filter style dropdown is currently not searchable, which makes it a bit tedious if you have to change to another style that is quite some styles away from the one that is currently selected. Therefore, I would like to see the dropdown be changed to be similar to the one used for fonts. This dropdown allows for typing to search and you can navigate it with the keyboard (arrow keys). Overall, that makes the experience more fluid and it is faster to select what you need.
  9. When working with cross-references, I find it annoying that I have to search for the references that I placed on a spread when I move through the document. Therefore, I would like to propose for the panel to scroll automatically to the active page when a text box is activated. This means that when I click inside a textbox to edit text, the cross-references that are most appropriate are already visible to me.
  10. I often end up misclicking the Create Preset button in the cross-reference dialog. As a result, I overwrite a preset that I actually want to keep. Instead, I propose to add a confirmation to the Save Preset dialog, which displays the name of the preset that will be overwritten. This way, I see that the dialog is different than the create preset dialog and have the option to cancel. Right now, I have to both rename the preset I accidentally saved and recreate the preset that I saved over, which is much more work than the additional confirmation click is.
  11. Right now, the sidenotes are always right alongside the position of the note. This makes it impossible to use the feature for a layout like this: I made this mock-up using cross-references, the issue with this though is that if the note's position in the text changes to the next frame, the cross-reference remains on the wrong page. So this process is completely manual. Therefore, I would like to request a feature where you can place notes in a frame alongside the text, which you can define in the masterpage (I have created a masterpage with both the main text frame and a notes text frame). Then, I would like to set a paragraph style per note, you can see I have a note with Roman numbering format (so I can differentiate between source references and additional notes). In this example case, I have the notes populated from top to bottom in the second text frame. The second text frame has a different baseline grid and the notes can have unique paragraph styles, which allows for unique numbering.
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