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Found 8 results

  1. I am working on a design that may end up getting screen printed, so I am trying to be thoughtful of how many colors I use. However, the current iteration has a high number of colors that are very similar (see the orange/brown tones in the screenshot). This came out of using a brush texture on a solid color layer. Is there a way for me to limit the number of colors in a palette, and then have all these very similar colors adopt a single color? In other words, can I define a specific "orange" and then use that as the only orange? Thanks!
  2. Hi Everyone! I am brand new to the Affinity scene, and have been searching for a way to print color separations with register marks for screen printing. AI has this and I believe Corel has it for PC too, but I am having trouble locating any info on this for Affinity. I have looked through these forums, Google, and YouTube, but no luck. Thank you for any help or direction!
  3. Hi there Affinity legends. Like to get feedback and thoughts from other screen printers with their thoughts of working with Affinity Designer/ Photo. Especially interested in your color separation and RIP processes for creating film positives i.e. what software do you use for separations/ RIP and halftones. Really enjoying using Affinity especially due to the financial savings compared to other design software options.
  4. So I've been looking, and can not find any info on color separation for Affinity Photo. I am working at T-Shirt Press Shop and am looking to replace the Photoshop with Affinity. My main reason for not switching is that I am trying to separated colors into different channels. I cant find this solution in Affinity Photo. So my questions is there a way to do this? I see a channel tab but have no clue on how to create my own channel from the colors that I have selected. Thanks
  5. Hello! I would love to use Affinity Designer for in our workplace. However, until certain features are in place, it would be impossible to do so. Will you be adding more "special" features to Designer in the future that compares to Illustrator?
  6. I have a few question for those Designer artists who have to deal with prepress and printshops. How do you prepare your artfiles in order to minimize problems with the printshop? I ask because with Affinity Designer I don't see any possibility to preview color separations and I especially miss spot color separations? What workflow do you use or recommend assuming that we don't use any Adobe or other expensive third party software for this purpose?
  7. I would wish for a way to preview color separation without the need to use Adobe software or other commercial third party software. Another solution could be a new application from Affinity for this purpose. Ralf Maeder
  8. I am a former graphics designer and worked 15 years ago in PrePress. Nowerdays I still use Macromedia Freehand on Windows for occasional design work and recently purchased Affinity Photo and Designer. I was looking at the options related to spot colors and noticed that once I created a random color, I can't change this color to be a spot color. In order to create a custom spot color, I have to mark the "spot" box in the color creation tab the moment I create the color. This makes it tedious if the decision to use spot colors is made later on in the design process. Another issue is how to check or preview correct color separation in respect to spot colors? The reason I chose Affinity as my main tools is because I want to avoid the use of Adobe applications at all cost. Freehand can print separations, which can be saved as PDF and previewed without any third party software. What do you recommend as a workflow for Affinity Designer user in order to check separations of spot colors, but without the need to use costly third party software? Ralf Maeder.
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