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Found 2 results

  1. I often process a lot of Raw photos. And I would like to see what happens in the end in each photo. And I would like to edit these photos myself and not use macros. In lightroom this feature is made more convenient. I hope this feature will be improved in future updates.
  2. Could someone please explain me why Affinity took its current route for RAW editing – as a persona inside inside an image editor? Is this a temporary implementation – for as long as one hasn't got a DAM with an inbuilt RAW developer? So that one at least has a basic editor – for now. Or is the Develop persona meant to stay? I'm serious. Maybe you can give me some pointers but I honestly fail discovering anything good, fast or interesting in the way Affinity handles RAWs currently. Opening single RAW files (any type takes ten seconds or even longer) Opening a whole folder of RAWs makes no sense, would be prohibitively slow and system taxing There's no way to apply common development settings to dozens of images at once There's generally no way to edit non-destructively single images or many images at once The reason why I ask is – I can not imagine an only half way elegant path to expand the Develop-Module inside Affinity – so that one in future versions can do all what's listed above. And that – needless to say – is not a crazy list at all. You can insert instantly, instantly, easy as pie, easy as pie with regards to that list and my legacy 6 years old Photoshop I'm still running. So please let me know – what's good about the current implementation? What is even better than RAW editing with other products?
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