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  1. I often run into the issue when I am drawing out curves and want to join a couple loose segments. What happens is that some selections are ineligible to join curves, whereas I can join the curves with other selections. Steps to reproduce Create a rectangle and convert it to curves Switch to the node tool and split two nodes to create two curves Select one of the split nodes of the first curve and a path segment of the second Notice how the join curves button is greyed out Deselect all Re-select the both curves, this time only by segments Notice how you can now join the curves 2023-01-02 13-49-11.mp4 Also notice that if I also select a node from the other curve, I can join both curves as well. 2023-01-02 13-56-24.mp4 The latter obviously has to do with joining vertices, but it happens way too often for me that I cannot properly join my curves without changing the way I select them. (Below is the vertex joining). 2023-01-02 13-57-40.mp4 See this simple case below, which usually happens when you decide to join two paths when working with the pen tool. I make sure the ends of the two meet, switch to the temporary node tool with Ctrl + Shift and select the other curve. I then switch to the node tool to join, but I am not able to (I don't have to switch to the node tool, but it makes it easier to compare to the other cases). I am also unable to join the curves from within the temporary node tool invocation. 2023-01-02 14-01-26.mp4 This is in Designer 2.0.3, but I have been having this issue since I used the 1.9 version and thought it is about time to report it.
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