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Found 2 results

  1. Hi I'm not sure I've missed it, but we need to produce online documents where we can have alt-text with pictures and reading order available. Is this a function I've missed or is it in the pipeline? Really important for us at stamma.org otherwise we're going to have to look at other software. Jane
  2. Hi! I'm a blind freelancer who works with creating accessibility reports. I ran into a pickle: I cannot find ways to add alt text within the Affinity software. I'm currently running Publisher, but I do work extensively with Photo and Designer as well. It's very easy for me to miss the location of an option, so I thought I'd ask here. In order to finalise two client reports I need to find the suite's alt text features. It's a legal requirement in my country that digital documents and websites alike be accessible. I am on MacOS Ventura, frequently used in conjunction with zoom and other accessibility features. I don't create documents that are going to be uploaded to public facing websites, and any "the alt text is added to the website through its coding" is therefore inapplicable for my situation. Oftentimes, for social media, Wordpress, etc - the text is input manually right as you edit the page. In documents, and PDFs specifically are horribly difficult to wrangle into compliance with accessibility standards, but it is doable. Furthermore, Word processing software such as Word lets me input this manually for documents - but Word isn't appropriate for the type of content I create and manage. Personally, I also use a screenreader, and I for sure do while reading PDFs and long form documents. I've learnt how to not rely on my screenreader while using Affinity software as it's a hot mess, but honestly - this I expected, and that is outside the scope of my question. I've formatted the document correctly semantically - the alt text is all that's missing. I'm also at the forefront of my field doing this in my area, so it'll look absolutely terrible if I can't deliver on this, hence my question. Thanks in advance.
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