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  1. So if I'm trying to match a set colour using HSL adjustment, I use the Info panel to lock two colours to compare. On all the tutorials (e.g. https://youtu.be/4IoKN4_aBCA), when they're adjusting the colour to try to match the two colours, the numbers in Info change in real time, yet when I try this the numbers only update when I release the relevant slider, which makes trying to match the colours far more of a faff. Am I doing something wrong, or is there an obscure setting I need to change? Running Affinity Photo on Mac, 1.10.4
  2. I am using Affinity 1.7.3 on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.13.6. The problem I am seeing happens when I have a photo opened and then open the Info Panel. I can set the Info Panel crosshair to anywhere in the picture to observe changes in RGB values as I make adjustments to the picture. If I open up an adjustment such as HSL, Color Balance, etc I can move the adjustment sliders and observe changes in the picture, however the Info Panel RBG values don't change until I release the mouse button. I have seen numerous videos where the Info Panel RGB indicators change dynamically with changes in the slider, but I can't get my system to operate this way. I observe the same behavior on my Mac whether I use the trackpad or an external USB mouse. Does anyone have any idea if there is a way to get the Info Panel indicators to operate dynamically as the adjustment sliders are changed?
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