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  1. I have two macros that I will run in a batch process against .tiff files to get ready for processing in Affinity Photo. The first macro makes a copy of the background layer and names it to "Color Efex Pro 4 - ". The second macro simply creates a new pixel layer and names it "Cleanup Layer". Both macros only have two steps. In AP when I select say 12 files to run in the batch process and execute these two macros only 2 or 3 (it is not consistent in the number if will process) then the batch process will end without error and AP will shutdown. On restarting AP there is no indication that any sort of error has taken place. That is the mail problem. The second problem is that in the Library panel the option to Edit a macro is greyed out. I found this when I was going to open the macro to look at the code. The options to Delete Macro or Rename Macro are active but the Edit Macro is greyed out. I have attached an export of Editing Macros - Marvin.afmacros for your use in testing. In this library category the two files I am call in the batch process are "Create Layer for Color Efex Pro 4" and "Create Cleanup Layer". I call them in that order. These macros have been running for about a year without any difficulty in Batch processing batches containing as many as 40 .tiff files. The error I have described above is happening when I try a batch of only 12 files. Running Windows 10 with latest updates. Thank you Marvin "Butch" Reinhart Editing Macros - Marvin.afmacros
  2. This is a follow-up to the previous bug report (with attachments) titled "Batch Process Fails with version" submitted on 7 June and updated that the same problem occurs under version Today, I tried to run a batch process against 21 files that ran one macro which simply created a copy of the background layer and then renamed the new layer. Again, as with the two macro problem, it processed two files and then quit without an error. It was at that time that I discovered another error in that the .afphoto file created by the batch process is more than twice as large as the file that I created by dragging the same .tiff file processed by the batch process into Affinity Photo, running the macro to create a new layer and rename it, and then manually saved the file. The file size of the .afphoto file created by the batch process was 359mb the size of the afphoto file created by manually taking these steps was 159mb. There is something wrong in the batch process. If you need a copy of the macro I use or the files that were created I can upload them. Further, I would say that I have been running these macros for a long time under previous versions without any problem. Thank you.
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