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Found 6 results

  1. Two questions. This is a font that I have converted to a curve to add some accents. Main question: 1) Is it possible to take a font like this "R" and add a black line to the exact center? I added one freehand to demonstrate, but is there a method I hadn't considered? 2) And why I'm here....notice that the edges of the font have some bumpy areas. I have this issue a lot in my work, and have always wondered if there's a quick method to simply smooth them out without painstakingly editing all the curve nodes.
  2. When I use the ordinal/exponent option with French accent (for exemple in "2ème"), the letters with accent don't "go up and scale down".
  3. If an accent character is typed into a text frame, the undo gets broken at that point. Can't undo past the accent.
  4. Hi I have some problems about my Thai language on tone marks float ( like grave accent) you see in attached photos here. There are 2 steps above the character in Thai. I need to have the tone mark in a lower position when the character has no vowel. You know what I mean? Please help me.. I don't know how to figure out.. Thank you in advanced. Pannily from Thailand
  5. Hi, I'm Thai, and I have some questions about my Thai language use of Affinity Photo. I have a problem of tone marks float on my language (with attachment photo) You know in Thai language we have some kind of grave accents we use to give tone to a word. And if it floats, it doesn't look pretty good. So please help me with this problem. Thank you for your kindness in advanced. appreciate, ^____^
  6. When I try to put an accent on a vowel dosen't work. When I push the accent key and then any vowel the result must be a vowel with accent glipho but instead the result it is the plain normal vowel glipho. instead of á, é í ó ú I get a e i o u.
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