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Found 5 results

  1. Can't run the new Beta without having to select an aero theme in Win7Pro 64. Although I appreciate it's not recommended, is it possible. I run my laptop pretty minimally Alan (UK)
  2. Hi, I just lost all tone map presets and after i try to create new category or import presets i get the following note. I´m using win7 64-bit and Affinity version
  3. What sort of speed should I expect from Affinity Designer? I am used to running Xara Designer Pro 9, which zips along, rarely lagging. Affinity Designer is nowhere near this smooth. See this video for a demonstration of performing similar actions in each application. Notice in AD the zoom takes 4 or 5 seconds to render, where it is instant in Xara. Also while typing the text takes a second or more to render in AD while it keeps up with the cursor in Xara. I understand that the two programs use different methods, but with AD acting this choppily it is almost unusable - even to move a few basic vectors around the screen is painful! I can't work out where the bottle neck lies. I have watched the GPU and CPU graphs both in Windows task manager and using MSI After Burner. I can't get CPU usage of more than 50% nor GPU usage grater than 45% despite the program hanging for seconds at a time as the display struggles to update. My system specs are in my signature. This is by no means a cutting edge machine, but generally handles what I throw at it quite nicely. Judging by the tutorial video I've watched this performance is not normal?! What should I try to remedy the situation?
  4. My desktop is Win 7 Pro. I installed Affinity Beta this week and it will not run. The window message I get is : Windows AERO desktop Theme is required. I searched the internet and followed all the suggestions to activate AERO with no success, on continuous icon executions. What is the problem and the process to resolve the issue. I currently run Light Room 5.
  5. Hello there! I'm using 64bit Windows 7, although, despite the warning saying that the user should have a computer with Win7 64bit and above, the Setup file stops working... Then, appears a window with the following message: "Setup detected the following problems: *Platform update for Windows 7 not found" I know that it is an old version, but if you could help, it would be great! Thanks a lot!
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