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  1. Hello, does anybody know, if there is a possibility, to use Adobe Lens Correction Profiles (*.lcp) in Affinity Photo? I use an UAV (DJI Phantom 2 Vision+) for taking pictures. Because it has a fish-eye lense, i have to correct them, before i can use them (for taking measurements). Therefore, DJI has released an Adobe Lens Correction Profiles (PHANTOM VISION FC200.lcp). In Photoshop, i can open Filter / Lens correction and choose this file, to eliminate distortion from the pictures. Is there a possibility to do it in AP, too? Maybe with an Plugin? P.S.: See the pictures below. They show the original picture (before) and the corrected picture (after). It is very important for me, that the exact values from the Lens Correction Profile are used, because afterwards, i have to take measurements in the pictures. Picture-Before: https://www.pic-upload.de/view-32675627/before.jpg.html Picture-Afterwards: https://www.pic-upload.de/view-32675621/after.jpg.html Best regards Thomas
  2. I ran into the same problem, first when using MS Image Composite Editor, and now after using Affinity. After rendering, the composite image is bright at one end, then gradually becomes dark at the other end. Here's some background. I have a collection of images taken with a programmed drone on which there is a camera aimed straight down (nadir). The camera has a quality, non-fisheye lens. The drone flies in a horizontal "lawnmower" pattern above a long drainage ditch. The images in the first row are taken at intervals to overlap by 80%, then the drone shifts over some distance and flies in the opposite direction. The images in this second row overlap the images in the first row by 70%. (note for the UAV/drone enthusiasts: the images are not geotagged) Before you jump to conclusions, here's more background: If I use 39 of the jpg images in the collection, the resulting composite image is just fine. Nothing to complain about. However I needed to include more ground area in the composite image, so I added 10 more, adjacent images to the collection to be processed by Affinity. After rendering, the composite image is bright at one end, becoming dark at the other end. (By the way, the source images are excellent, with very little differences in overall brightness or color.) Again, I encountered the same problem with both MS ICE and Affinity. I don't expect a quick fix for this problem. There appears to be a fundamental limitation in both products. My next attempt will be to use Affinity with 40 images, then again with 10 more images, Then join the two composite images. Maybe that will produce a usable composite image. I'm certainly open to suggestions!
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