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  1. I created a project with facing pages and spread master pages in Beta 249. The master pages have headers and footers, and because it is facing pages, the inner and outer margins for each page is different, allowing for the binding. When such master pages are applied to the project pages, they work fine--until you add a single page. When you do, APub will add a complete second master page spread without consideration for left or right page. In my case I added a new page in the left page location. I expected the right page to remain a right page, along with its header and footer and margins. However, although the new left page looks correct, the right page is simply the left page moved over, so margins, headers, footers, and any vertical guide lines are still left-page, but now on the right. I hate to bring up PP again, but PP is smart enough to know to apply the right page part of the master spread to the right page when a new page is added. In APub, you would need to add two pages and reflow your entire document. This is a deal breaker considering I write novel that are upwards of 300 pages. Recreate as follows: Create a new facing page project. Create a master page spread with different margins for left and right pages to allow for binding. Add vertical guide lines (I use them for marking out bleed because it just works better.) Add different header and footer text frames. (I use a text frame for page number on outside edge of pages, one for title of novel on left page, and one for author name on right page.) Add 10 or so blank pages to the project. Assign the master spread to each project spread. Add a text frame for page contents on each page. Link groups of frames and fill with text. (I copy and paste in novel chapter contents from Scrivener and paste into text frames before linking.) Add a new single page say after page 3, or 5, or 7 to allow for either additional content or reflowing of existing content. You will notice that the new left page is OK, but the old left page that has been moved to be the right page of the spread will still show all left page headers, footers, guides, and margins. If you look at the layers, you will see two complete master spread layers, but there is no way to tell either to be a right page.
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