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  1. Here is a template for an A4 sized prism desk 2022 calendar created in AD. This template can be (re)used in all Affinity apps! This 2022 calendar is localized in german, english and greek (DE/EN/GR) and thus allows to switch the calendar languages and print for either language. The calendar dates used in this template do stem from Mensch Mesch. - The ready glued together calendar looks like the following ... ... the A4 Affinity Designer template looks like this, dependent on the language (DE/EN) switch ... You set and switch the corresponding language like this for the german (DE) calendar part ... ... or like this for english (EN) calendar part ... To add your images into the calendar follow the localized instructions written onto this calendar ... ... and here is the corresponding AD template file ... prism_A4_calendar_2022.afdesign prism_A4_calendar_en_de_gr_2022.afdesign Let's have a good time in 2022!
  2. Hi, I have a MacBook M1 Pro with Mac OS Monterrey. I have raw images from my Canon 80D in my Image/ Photo Library/ and in an album. From Affinity photo, I go to File/Open and select my raw image. But then it opens ir in Photo persona, not in develop persona, it created/imported an RGB .jpg image instead of using the raw I opened. In the pictures, you can see the raw images and in Affinity you can see the automaticaly converted jpg file. What is going on here how can I fix it? Thank you.
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