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Everything posted by nppn

  1. Hello, First of all, Affinity is the first application I am using for my first job as a graphic designer. I may have missed some features... so let it be a return of experiences. I want to say that affinity is a great product, and I'm looking forward for the release version. My job was to take a flyer in PDF format and make a v2 out of it. (v1 is on third pic, v2 on first). I had to create hundreds of "complex" objects (1 picture, one box, a number and a text). I did them all by copying, pasting and modifying. So I had a matrix of "complex" objects (CO). 1) What do you think about creating Tags for the layers ? Search filter on the Layer view ? Once I had created my COs and sub-groups (see second picture), I found it impossible to select a whole row of a specific item in each of them. experience: I had to change, for exemple, the "numbering dot" on every COs. There wasn't, for me, an easy way to do it. Selecting one was complicated because the CO (the englobing group) was selected in place of the dot. So i had to select every dots from the layer view. One time has a row, to align it horizontally, and a second time has a column to align it vertically. Suggestion: Would it be possible to create Tags to add to layers. Therefore I would be able to identifies every items with the same specificities as in a row and in a column. Tags: [Dot; Row-1; column-2; orange] 2) is it be possible to modify items, turning cercles into rectangles ? 3) Is it possible to select a bunch of item and force them to the same size, or to modify there size all at once ? Once selected, you are able to see the size of the whole group, but it is not possible to see if all their sizes are identical. Thanks a lot for your product, Best Regards,
  2. Hello, Most of the time, I have to quit Affinity to be able to make an other export. Otherwise, sometime, as seen on the joint picture, when overwriting an already exported file, it seams that Affinity considers the file as a directory and fails to export the new file inside the old one. "xxx/infrastructures_routieres.png/infrastructures_routieres.png" Thanks for this awesome product, Regards,
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