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  1. @Friksel the ROMM RGB is automatically assigned when creating a image from the clipboard. The clipboard holds the screenshot and is created with Alt-PrintScreen with the program open.
  2. Working with color in Affinty Photo remains illogical to me. This time I want to create an image from scratch in Photo on Windows. I started a new document, a photo with Color Format set to RGB/8 and Color Profile to sRGB IEC61966-2.1. I changed the units for the color selector to percentages and set the color values for red to 100 and for green and blue to 0. The resulting color does not look full red, but more orange/red. The attached file hopefully shows the problem. That image is a screenshot of the new document in Photo that is opened as another document. Clearly visible is the difference between the color in the inner document and the Photo UI. The hex value of the inner document is #F7002D, for the UI it's #D63C20. Both are not #FF0000, which I expected for 100% red. I got these values by taking a new screenshot of Photo with the screenshot open, pasted that into Paint.net and picking the colors. Is there a preference or other procedure to create a new image that forces Photo to display colors like other Windows software? These differences between Photo and browsers make it hard to imagine what the end result will when using Photo. For now, I switched to Paint.net because it handles colors as I expect. To be sure this wasn't caused by some setting I changed, I retried with all preferences reset to their default.
  3. Thanks for the tips, I'll try and see what the exported result looks like when editing sRGB. About the RAW, I mentioned it because I thought it might matter for the end result. I prefer to use DXO for RAW conversion because of better noise and color fringe reduction, lens correction and local brightness adjustment.
  4. I find it hard to understand the effects that color profiles have on the colors of images in Affinity Photo. A raw image opened in Photo looks de-saturated, compared to DXO and preview in Irfanview. The JPEG from the camera looks better, but less saturated than shown in other software, like Firefox, Paint.net and Irfanview. Perhaps some setting of Photo overrides the data from the image? When developing the image I assign the ROMM RGB profile. From what I understand this profile keeps the highest number of colors available during editing. Is this true? After making adjustments I export the image as JPEG to use on Instagram and my website: during export choose the sRGB color profile and embed it. Other software like the Windows Explorer preview, Windows Photos, Irfanview and Firefox show the exported image more saturated then I see during editing. first convert the image by changing the color profile of the document to sRGB. Then exporting it the same way. Now the image is also more saturated then shown in Photo, but less than in option 1. What do I need to do differently to have the colors of the exported image match the colors I see during editing? This happens on a Windows machine with the color profile of the display set to the profile that came with the monitor.
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