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Everything posted by astronut80920

  1. My C: SSD is low on space and I want to upgrade to a larger size. Best Buy tells me that even though I have a valid license, AF might not copy over due to pirating issues/etc when they perform a mirror image to the new drive, which would be a royal pain for me if I have to manually reinstall all my applications manually and causing me to abandon the upgrade. Could you tell me if the AF app will copy over during a mirror and if not is there is a way around this issue? Thanks, Jim L
  2. I am thinking about buying a Wacom tablet to edit my landscape photos. I'd like to know if they are compatible with Infinity photo. Thanks in advance. Jim L
  3. I noticed in one of Anthony Morganty's Utube videos that there was a location panel and when I couldn't find it in my Windows version, I started a search as to why. I realized after the research that it is not yet implemented in the windows version. My guess is because Google, in their infinite wisdom (grain of salt) changed the way they implemented it. Is this a good guess and how soon, if at all, will this feature be implemented in the windows version? I use this feature a lot and it would be nice to see it in Affinity Windows. Thanks, Jim Lawrence
  4. Affinity Photo version I have just noticed that the history panel is not visible in the photo persona. How do I get it back? Thanks, Jim Lawrrence
  5. I just downloaded the Affinity Photo trial and so far like what I see, but there is one little problem I encountered after installing the Nik plugins. I am still using the Google Nik version and have not upgraded to the DXO version (in case that may be a factor in the problem). All the plugins work well except for Viveza 2. When I go to that from Affinity Photo, there is a bad color shift in the image to the point that the plugin is not useful. Is there a way to correct that or is it because I am using the old Google Nik set and would have to upgrade to the DXO version, which I am not planning to do at this time. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks. Jim Lawrence
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