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Everything posted by David

  1. Good Morning, I'm just finishing my first piece of artwork produced with Affinity, and really enjoyed the process so far. However I would like to experiment with some different colours schemes, Is there a way to select and edit colours rather than replacing individually? or can I set up colour pallets with global settings?
  2. Cheers, I will go test that out :)
  3. Update to my trial artwork... Couple of things I missed having, no warp tools and masking options (unless Ive missed these?). The software could also do with a few extra keyboard short cuts adding here and there, such as cmd + e for export. Overall through, I have very much enjoyed using the software and will be purchasing next week on release.
  4. In an attempt to break me in, I decided to jump right in and make a large A3 piece. Going well so far, although missing not having an eye drop tool to sample things, hopefully the idea is once I have completed this I should have sussed affinity to a comfortable level. Things I love so far: • Effects are presented in one easy place with sliders • The path tools, once I figured out how to add points etc I'm finding them beautiful to use. • I don't have so many pallets open to achieve the same work as I do in Illustrator I have come across a couple of bugs, my tool bar got stuck to the foot of the window and then vanished, My artboard started flashing on and off at one point after drawing a box and I had to re-start
  5. Ah yes, I have this working on paths I have made using the pen tool, but I cant seam to get it working on circles made with the shape tool?
  6. Hi, Im struggling to add points to paths I have made, In Illustrator you have the + & - tools to accomplish this. Is there a simple way in Affinity I'm sure there is a very simple solution to this,
  7. Thanks, works well :) ... I'm now struggling to add points to paths so I can cut away bits I don't need
  8. One more thing....sorry is there a Scissor tool equivalent?
  9. Hello, Just started vectoring my first big piece of artwork with Affinity and hit upon a snag... I cant find the eye drop tool? Within my work process I create a shape, add outline colour, point thickness, apply internal colours and style - then when creating a new shape that requires the same treatment click cmd + i, bringing up the eye drop tool which clones styles onto the new object. Is this possible in Affinity? its a bit of a pain to manually do each shape and item.
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