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  1. MEB, your "roadmap" link in your answer take me to your post from 2014..... unless there is an error in that too.... I have the latest version of Designer 1.6+ and there is no "Mesh warp/distort tool" I'm not giving up in my DrawPlus X8 just yet.....
  2. I have been a user of DrawPlus for few years before I welcome Affinity Designer into my PC. Now, I have to go back to my DP8 just to use some feature I cannot find in the new software: e.g. Envelope distortion. This particular one is so easy to use, it applies distortion to almost everything, including fonts and shapes, etc. If anyone knows where it is within Affinity Designer, please, let me know. One more thing: please, don't tell me to use nodes, because that's silly. Why would I draw fonts just to distort them later, when I can do it directly, type something and reshape it as I please ? ok thanks all for your help.
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