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Everything posted by resunoiz

  1. In affinity designer I used ctrl+alt+c to the command "give to background", overriding/removing the function align to center. Now it don't work anymore, even if I overwrite align to center, I always have the "!" symbol that says the command is assigned to align to center.
  2. I infact solved with copy/paste. Hopefully I've saved only a file... I'll update V2 probably but this "forces" to update to the whole package. And you have to be sure any other colleauge you share files with have same version....not the best thing.
  3. I installed the Affinity V2 Designer/photo to test it. No substantial differencies for my use....or not at all. Only a bug in photo that was never corrected and now is (lazo selector mantaining last setting). Problem is...I've saved a file with V2 and in V1 is no more usable!!! I think retro-compatibility is necessary, mainly with projects shared with other people.
  4. I have a set of 21x29,7cm pages. Single pages. I want to add a master of 21.6 x 30.6cm to each of these pages. If I create a master of these dimension, content of the page is positioned at top left angle of content, leaving a white space on the right and bottom. Is possible to create master/apply to the pages leaving the content of the page centered, so I have same margins on 4 sides?
  5. Hi, I've looked more and more the summary guide but is nothing but useful to create a summary. The tutorial says "give a paragraph style to tests, generate". But: how to style that summary? I'm not able in any way to add the page number to the summary, add for example points as in the video, add styling...there is some step-to step guide?
  6. sometimes happens that under a text area appears a red background. It happens every times with templates. I have to create a single-line text insted of text areas. I'm not able to understand how it happens and if ti can be removed. I attach a sample. weird background text area.afphoto
  7. there's a way to auto-hide certain toolbar docked to the left or the right of the scrren, something like autocad does? it can be useful with less used toolbars.
  8. thank @Ron P. for your interest. basic brushes, 128 px. made 55 "spots", grouped them 5, rasterized them in a new level without background in order to duplicate them as groups of 5 spots at same distance. Sorry I can't replicate it in videp...because when I try to move the second group, program crashes. Is a operation I've made thousand times in AF with previous version: use it to recreate/make more visible "spot light" on outdoor scenarios. Like this (the one I made with affinity uninstalling 1.10 and installing previous version) HA is on, as usual, in all affinity previous versions. made it on another pic, same issue. local hard drive, SSD. Make this work 5+ times a week from 3 years from now. desktop, win 10.
  9. Hi, installed affinity 1.10.1 and started editing a photo. added 5 points with a white brush in a new level, to simulate 5 led spots. grouped and rasterized: program crashed. happened 3 times consecutively, then had to switch back to previous version.
  10. In the 1.9 update when I make a group using several layer that was scaled before, if one or more of them contains text the dimension of these becomes bigger than the set one. It is very frustrating, because all formatted text goes to mess. Here's an example. See the text "sky e netflix" and the price on the right. Happens with photo and designer. SOmetimes the text becomes 5x bigger, sometimes smaller like in this case.
  11. I always use "migrate content" and the content still messes. I use a file withouth attached pics like your, I made it to be sure I can replicate exactly what a gust can see. all messed.
  12. as i (badly) said before, the issue occurs if I apply the master page layout too. the text is not correspondant anymore.
  13. I made a master page and I used it to create several pages. Then I realized I needed to add a page at the beginning, after page 2. Added a page...and all the layout messed up. The text areas changed position, so the writings on it. Here's an example. My master page. ..and the pages made with it. ..then if I add a page after the second for example, with or without a master page style... all messes up. text areas moved, their contents refers as the images remained in the previous page, another image area over the right image of the page.... I attach an extract of that file. What am I doing wrong? w.afpub
  14. sorry for late response, never had notifications! I don't have the original file now unfortunately, I had to resize it under 450mm width to make it work. affinity readed the 600mm wide document, other pdf programs (illustrator, reades and so on) no.
  15. I'm preparing a pdf for a big format advertising, 600mmx300mm. The print office asks me a 1:1 drawing, at least 96 dpi. Exporting the drawing from designer to pdf and if I the operator opens it with Illustrator or acrobat, it results truncated. If the SAME file is generated by Illustrator, this issue doesn't happens. Suggestions?
  16. I always used to customize my workspace putting all toolbars and apalettes on my secondary screen (I use 2 screens to extend desktop), as I do in Auocad, hptoshop, illustrator, word and so on. Anll worked weel in Aphoto and Adesigner. Moving from different personas in photo didn't make any issue. with 1.7 and 1.7.1 update in affinity designer and affinity photo the palettes position changes randomly. If I give an height to any of the palettes, passing throug another persona in Aphoto or switching to Adesigner results in palettes that change their height according to height of the last prgram/persona used. EXAMPLE attached to better explain. You can see the Photo persona with levels, history and other toolbars as I want them to be. On the red arrow, for example, the boundary between history and level palette. Choosing Develop persona the palette (already set to be all visible) uses the same height of the history palette on Photo persona. If I stretch the palette to fit my desires, when I come back to photo persona the history palette overlaps the levels palette with the height set on the last height change on develop persona. Same happens if I switch to designer and vice versa instead on sitching between personas.
  17. Another bug on the new A photo -designer. Clicking "sent to designer" on a drawing opens designer but then it freezes. What a lame update...
  18. ...with latest update, you have no saved shortcuts at all XD
  19. As in title, the last update made today made me loose ALL my customizations. Working area (minor issue) but mainly ALL shortcuts. And even using "import" th saved ones in version 1.6, nothing works. Is that normal?
  20. sorry, my fault. I'm talking about affinity photo. I'm not talking about the polygon tool, BUT the polygonal mode on free hand tool. see pic.
  21. I use free hand tool extensively in set of photos. If I select in the first on to use polygonal mode and "new boundary" mode, every time I swap from a photo to another I Have to re-select them they fall back to default "free hand" mode. there is no way to make free han tool in polygonal mode as default? OR, at least, make a shortcut to directly select that mode?
  22. when I open affinity (photo or designer) I always have the brush in the same dimension, or the front color in red, for example. Or if I use image distortion in AP, I always have to select "remove grid". when working with multiple files, it is frustrating that the program doesn't remember the last used settings: usually the last used setting for a tool/palette/command may be the most used one in a working process. hope in an update of that functionality.
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